Chapter seven: apologies.

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Comet tried as hard as he could to fall asleep, and eventually gave up. His mind was racing too much to relax. He sat up, and put his glasses on. He walked downstairs into the kitchen, and made himself a cup of tea to calm his nerves. Meanwhile, Bloodmoon used a teleportation spell to travel to maretime bay, he walked through the streets, and went to the community garden outside the crystal brighthouse. He walked up the path to the garden, his hoofsteps clicking quietly on the cobblestone. He stepped through the gate, and sat on the ground next to a small berry bush. He pulled out the apology letter to finish writing it. Comet heard the gate creak open, and went outside to investigate. He trotted down the path and walked into the garden, where he tripped on a vine, falling through the bush, and landing next to Bloodmoon. "GAH!!" Bloodmoon shrieked, "w-what are you doing here!?!" Bloodmoon held the unfinished letter to his chest to hide it. "I live here! What are you doing here?!" Comet said, brushing the dirt off of himself, and sitting up. "I- nothing, I was just going to finish this..." Bloodmoon pointed to the paper, still holding it to his chest, "What is it?" Comet asked, reaching to grab it. "Just wait! It's not finished, just let me..." Bloodmoon trailed off, writing the finishing touches, and handing it to him. Comet unfolded the letter and started reading, the letter read: "dear comet, I'm sorry for being a bad friend to you, when you treated me nicer than anypony ever has. I realize my mistakes. You don't have to forgive me yet, all I ask is that you accept my friendship, and know that I intend to change my ways. Your friend(?), Bloodmoon glow."

Comet was surprised by the apology, "you're... apologizing?" Comet asked, looking at the letter. "t-that is what I intended, yes." Bloodmoon said, waiting for an answer. "I forgive you." Comet said with a smile. "You- really? I didn't expect that." Bloodmoon chuckled. "Really." Comet assured him as he scooted closer. The two of them looked up at the sky, gazing at the stars. "I used to stargaze every night with my dad when I was younger." Bloodmoon smiled, laying down on the ground. "That's sweet." Comet laid down next to him, they laid in silence for a few minutes, "hey... about what you said when I left, am.. am I really all you have?" Comet asked, turning his head to look at Bloodmoon. He was silent for a moment, and turned to look at comet. "...yes..." Bloodmoon looked away in embarrassment.  Comet was friends with the heroes of equestria, Bloodmoon felt inferior, since comet was his only friend. Comet grabbed his hoof, Bloodmoon turned his head, meeting his eyes. "You don't have to be embarrassed, I've felt lonely too... and, to be honest, I still do..." comet frowned. "But... you're friends with the ponies who reunited equestria!" Bloodmoon said with a confused expression. "I just feel so... left out. They don't include me in any adventures, and... it feels like we aren't really friends..." comet explained, looking back up at the stars. "But- why wouldn't they want to go on adventures with you? I personally think you're very attractive." Bloodmoon was so annoyed by sunny and her friends, that he didn't even realize what he said. "R-Really?" Comet was surprised, and blushed lightly.

 Bloodmoon realized what he said, "wait, no I-I didn't mean-" Bloodmoon blushed and got flustered, he tried to explain, but he didn't want to say something he'd regret. "Uhm... that was quite forward." comet said awkwardly. Bloodmoon cringed what he said, "sorry, I uh... I meant attractive like as in your personality, n-not romantically." Bloodmoon was very embarrassed, he did like comet romantically, but he had probably just screwed over his chances of ever being in a relationship with him. They both got quiet, laying awkwardly in the silence. "You did mean that romantically didn't you." Comet joked. "Maybe I did.." Bloodmoon mumbled. Comet heard him, and sat up in surprise, his cheeks were red, and dimly lit up by the solar powered garden lights lining the fence. "Did I say that out loud?" Bloodmoon sat up as well, he blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah, you did.." they looked away from each other. " you um... feel the same way?" Bloodmoon knew his odds were terrible, but he just wanted to get the rejection over with. Comet looked back at him, smiling. "I do." Comet blushed, and held his hoof. Bloodmoons eyes widened in surprise, he blushed as comet kissed him. "I- you- huh?" Bloodmoons heart was racing, he had never felt like this before. "Sorry, that was kind of sudden." Comet said, scratching the back of his head. "No! No! That was great, I just didn't expect you to love me back." Bloodmoon reassured him.

 They laid back down, and a few minutes passed. "Hey, Bloodmoon?" Comet said. "Hm?" Bloodmoon replied. "I was thinking... maybe I could help you talk to my friends? I think they would accept your apology if they knew I had forgiven you." Comet suggested. "Maybe... but I think you should talk to them without me first, and then I would personally apologize afterwards? I don't want to get glitterbombed again." Bloodmoon replied. "Yeah, I don't want that either." Comet chuckled. They laid there for a few more minutes. "I should probably go now, I'll see you tomorrow." Bloodmoon smiled, and stood up. "Wait! You forgot something!" Comet stood up, and kissed him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!" He waved goodbye as Bloodmoon teleported back to the castle of the two sisters. That night, comet went to bed happy, for the first time in weeks.

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