Chapter five: the battle.

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"What are you doing! We just want to leave!" Sunny yelled, her voice muffled through the force field. "Whatever I want, after I banish you to the moon at least." Bloodmoon replied, flipping through an ancient spell book. "BANISH US?!? But why?!" Misty shouted. "If I banish you to the moon, I will be the ruler of equestria! I am the only other alicorn, and Everypony will bow to me when you are gone. Then, I will take my revenge!" Bloodmoon cackled, "all I need is those unity crystals, and then you'll be banished to the moon for a millennia!" He added. Comet was terrified, but he suddenly remembered the information he had gathered about Bloodmoon's past, his fears and his motivations. Comet summoned all the magic that he could, and cast an illusion of an Ursa Major. Bloodmoon stopped in his tracks, and looked up in horror. The force field spell failed as he lost focus. They realized that they were free, and zip jumped to catch comet as the illusion cracked and faded away. Comet was unconscious, but they couldn't do anything until they defeated Bloodmoon. He snapped back from his memories, and the battle began.

Sunny transformed into an alicorn, and blasted a beam of magic towards Bloodmoon, he blocked it with his metal wings and it bounced into the wooden ceiling, burning a hole through it. Sunny then realized how powerful he really was, he studied magic for years, and she had only been using it for one year. she was no match for him, not without her friends. She flew in a zigzag, dodging his attacks as she texted her friends to make a plan while she distracted him. She threw her phone to her friends and continued fighting. Her friends received the text and started thinking of a plan. Zip used her spy goggles to calculate some stuff, pip and Izzy prepared a distraction, hitch and Misty ran to their places, and the plan went into motion.

 "Hey! Over here!"  Izzy yelled to Bloodmoon. He turned to her and was hit with a glitter bomb. Hitch and Misty ran towards comet. Bloodmoon wiped the glitter from his eyes, and realized that they were trying to run away with comet, he blasted his magic at them, freezing them in place. Zip flew into Bloodmoon as fast as she could, and slammed into him, knocking him to the floor. Sunny blasted her magic towards Bloodmoon, and he blocked it with a force field. The beam of magic bounced off, and into sunny. she was knocked unconscious, and fell to the floor. "Why are you trying to stop me! I need to do this!" Bloodmoon said. Comet had woken up and came to the rescue, he fired a large beam of magic into Bloodmoon, which struck him to the floor, knocking the wind out of him. He gasped for air and got up, struggling to find his balance."I trusted you..." comet said disappointedly. "I'm sorry! Please, Don't leave! I've been alone for so long, you're all I have!" Bloodmoon pleaded to him. "Well... I guess you have nothing." Comet turned away and walked out of the castle with his friends.

Bloodmoon felt crushed, he watched as his only friend walked out on him, just like everyone else in his life. He knew that there was nothing he could do, except wait, wait for the day when comet would realize his mistake and come back. But then he thought, 'I'm the one who needs to realize my mistake. I was the bad friend, not him.' Bloodmoon was terrible at apologies, he hadn't spoken to anyone in 10 years and had only ever apologized for small things, like bumping into somepony or breaking something. He wrote an apology letter to better put it into words than he could by speaking. He went to bed that night, and thought hard about what he had done.

Comet was very sad that Bloodmoon broke his trust, he was starting to really like him, maybe more than he realized at the time. Hitch and Izzy started setting up some beds out of sticks and leaves. hitch grew some puffball mushrooms with his flora magic to use as pillows, and Izzy gathered some leaves which she glued together to make blankets. "Alright, we should rest here tonight, and walk back to maretime bay in the morning, it's a lot closer than bridlewood." Sunny said, pointing to the crystal brighthouse on her map. "What if Bloodmoon glow follows us and takes the unity crystals? we should be on high alert when we get back." Zip said as she scanned the area with her spy goggles. "Don't worry, we'll be prepared. We should get everything we need at the brighthouse ready so we can defeat him." Sunny said, "but for now we should just rest, we'll have to walk for an hour to get to maretime bay." She added. Comet lied down on his bed of leaves, and stared up at the moon. He remembered the memories he had collected from Bloodmoon, and played them back in his mind. He was horrified by the sights he saw, and felt bad for leaving him alone after reminding him  of one of his most traumatic memories. Comet couldn't stop thinking about Bloodmoon as he fell asleep.

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