Chapter four: the maze

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Sunny and her friends galloped away into the forest. zip looked back as they were leaving, and saw a sign that read: "village of everfree." She Took note of this information. They walked for four hours. And they were met with a stone wall, which was about 10 feet tall, and went on farther than they could see in either direction. There was a large wooden door going through the stone wall, which was locked from the inside. "This was not on my map..." sunny said with a puzzled look as she glanced at the map in her hooves. "Let's investigate." Zip said, putting on her spy glasses. Zip flew up over the wall to see what was behind it, and saw a massive winding labyrinth with a ruined castle in the middle, she took a photo. 'I can fly everypony straight over this!' She thought to herself as she flew past the stone wall, and suddenly, she lost the ability to fly. She plummeted out of the sky, and landed near the wooden door. "Zip! Are you ok?" Pip shouted from the other side. "Yeah! I'm going to unlock the door!" She shouted back. Zip walked over to the door and pulled out the board which was blocking it from opening, she pushed the door open and her friends sprinted over to check on her. They made sure she was okay, and then realized that the door had disappeared. "Uh.. where's the door?" Misty asked, her friends eyes widened. "I-I don't know... how do we get out!" Sunny said in a panic. "I think we have to go through this..." zip said, showing Them the picture she took. Everyone was panicking. "Ok, we just need to find our way through. How hard could that be?" Pip said.

(Time skip)

"THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!-" pip yelled- "It feels like we're going in circles! Also there's no WiFi, and if I don't post something soon my fans will think I'm dead!" She cried. The maze seemed endless. the only thing they could use to make some sense of where they were going, was the photo zip had taken. They tried to look for some sort of route to get through the maze, "ok so if there's a dead end that way then we should- wait, that's not right, there should be an opening here! Where is it?" Sunny said, looking at the hedge that blocked their way. This was the first hedge they had seen since the beginning of the maze, which was mostly stone. "We could always go through the hedge?" Zip said. "Oh, yeah." Sunny replied. They dove through the hedge, and on the other side they saw another layer of the labyrinth, which was made up of hundreds of hedges which disappeared and reappeared making the maze much more challenging. The maze blocked out the magic of anypony who dared enter, so they could not fly up and guide their friends. They decided to climb onto each other so zip could take another photograph of the maze. The picture wouldn't be able to help them very much, since the walls could shift from one location to another, but it was still of some use. They looked at the picture and started walking towards the castle. The sky was getting cloudy, blocking the sun.

 They walked for hours and finally found the final layer of the maze, a series of underground tunnels that a photograph would be of no use in. They were tired and hungry, but they had to keep going, it was the only way they would survive. They stepped into the tunnel, "ok, we don't know what's in here so we should be very cautious and try not to make too much noi-" Sunny was cut off by Izzy, "ECHO! Echo!.. echo.. echo..." Izzy yelled, her voice echoed through the tunnels. "What are you doing?!?!" Hitch whispered loudly. "Echolocation! If bats can do it, so can I!" Izzy said as she continued prancing through the tunnel. The tunnels were lit with dim, incandescent lightbulbs which were hung from the ceiling by thin cables. They had seen quite a few pony remains, and had gotten used to the sight of skeletons and rotting corpses. The tunnels seemed like they would never end, but eventually they saw a staircase with a light coming from above. They galloped towards it, "look! A light! That might be the way out!" Misty said gleefully. They walked up the spiral staircase and saw a throne room, the walls were decorated with large ancient tapestries which seemed to have been stitched back together after being torn apart. The tapestries depicted two alicorns, one of day and one of night. The throne was made of gold and velvet. The floor was cobblestone.

In the library, comet woke up next to bloodmoon, and quickly sat up blushing and feeling a bit embarrassed. he tried to walk away quietly, "where are you going?" Bloodmoon asked, startling comet. "AH!- oh, sorry, you startled me. I was just going to get a snack." Comet said. "I'll show you where the apples are." Bloodmoon replied, escorting comet out of the library. They had to walk through the throne room to get to the kitchen. And when they did, they saw sunny and her friends who had just escaped from the labyrinth. "Comet? It's you! You're ok!" Sunny said as her and her friends galloped towards comet. Bloodmoon stepped in front of him and spread his wings to block them. "Bloodmoon, it's ok, they're my friends." Comet said. Bloodmoon folded his wings back down, and stepped back. "How did you get here? We had to walk for almost 10 hours to find you!" Sunny said, as her and her friends hugged comet. "Bloodmoon brought me here!" Comet said, pointing at the alicorn who stood behind him. Bloodmoon stepped forward And gazed sharply at sunny and her friends. sunny was shocked to see another alicorn, "Hi there! I'm sunny, and this is pip, zip, hitch, izzy and Misty." Sunny said, introducing her friends, "I never knew there was another alicorn in equestria! How did you get your wings? They are so cool!" Sunny asked excitedly. "I don't like to talk about it." Bloodmoon said, breaking eye contact and looking at the floor. "Oh, that's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to! I'm sorry I brought it up." Sunny apologized, and stepped back awkwardly. "So, um... it was nice to meet you, but we should get going now." Zip grabbed comets arm and started to walk away, when she was stopped by Bloodmoon, "you're not going anywhere." He said, casting a spell to trap them in a force field.



Hi! Sorry this chapter took so long, I went to the labyrinth ball In Milwaukee, and I was really tired lol. I hope you're enjoying so far!

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