Chapter three: resting

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Sunny and hitch led the way, as the others followed closely behind them. They walked for two hours, and then stopped to rest in a small village. The ponies in the town whispered and pulled up the hoods to their cloaks as sunny and her friends walked through the streets. "Something feels... off about this place." Zip stated as she stopped flying, and landed next to sunny. "Maybe they're just shy? They probably don't get many visitors, they aren't even on my map." Sunny replied, pulling out her map and pointing at where the town would be. They continued walking through the streets to find someplace they could stay for the night, two children ran through the street as they giggled, then stopped and stared at sunny and her friends. Their mother pulled them to her, and quickly trotted away, back to one of the market stalls that lined the streets. "It seems like they're avoiding us..." Misty whispered as she lowered her head to become less noticeable. "But why would they avoid me?- i mean us?" Pip asked, checking her appearance on her phone camera. "I'm not sure, but we should just try and blend in." Zip replied with a whisper. "That's going to be pretty hard, especially since everyone is staring at us." Hitch said as he looked at all the ponies in the market, who had their eyes locked on the unfamiliar visitors. 

They eventually found a shabby looking building, to which the sign read: "webbed inn." They walked in to see a male pony who had a pale blue coat, a black cloak, a dark red mane, and two lumps below his eyes, Slouching in his chair behind the reception desk reading a book. Sunny walked up to him, "excuse me?-" she said as he looked up from his book- "do you have any rooms available?" He was surprised to see so many ponies in his small inn, and sat up to talk to her. "I have one room available." He said in a monotone voice as he lead them to a staircase leading to a large room in the basement, he trotted down the stairs as they followed cautiously behind him. He showed them the door. they walked in and saw a... rather rustic room to put it nicely. The floorboards were old and creaky, the walls were made of large stone slabs, there was one bed with no sheets and a torn blanket, a pile of sleeping bags, and cobwebs. Cobwebs everywhere. They were reluctant to take the room, but they didn't have a choice. This inn was the only one in town. "We'll take it." Sunny said, shaking a spiderweb off her hoof. "Great. That's going to be 300 bits." He said stone faced as he waited for the money. Sunny reluctantly handed him the bits. 300 bits was quite a lot of money.

(Back in the castle of the two sisters) "I'm going to finish my soup, I might join you later though." Comet said, taking a sip as Bloodmoon walked away. Bloodmoon walked upstairs into the library, and picked up a book titled: "trotters tome of reliquary." He sat down on a blanket and started reading. Comet finished the last of his soup, and decided to join Bloodmoon in the library. He wandered the vast hallways and cautiously climbed the creaky spiral staircase which lead to the library. He stepped through the archway and started walking through the library. His hoofsteps echoed quietly through the room as he gazed in awe at all the ancient books and scrolls. Bloodmoon spotted comet wandering around the bookshelves, and called him over, "comet, I'm over here." He said, waving his hoof in the air. Comet trotted over, and sat down next to Bloodmoon. "What are you reading?" Comet asked. "Just an old spell book." He replied, turning the page with his magic. Comet lied down. "Are you bored?" Bloodmoon asked. "... yes." Comet replied. "There's some fiction on that shelf, it's not organized though, so there may be some non fiction as well." Bloodmoon pointed to the right. Comet got up and walked over to the bookshelf that Bloodmoon pointed to, and picked up a purple book which had a pink star with tiny white stars surrounding it. There was pink, white, purple, blue, yellow and orange ribbons marking the pages. It was titled: "friendship journal" Comet walked back over to Bloodmoon and sat down opening the book. They sat and read together for hours. by the time Bloodmoon finished his book, it was nighttime and comet had fallen asleep next to him. Bloodmoon smiled as he put a blanket over the two of them, and drifted off to sleep.

Sunny was worried about comet, and felt bad that they were inside resting instead of searching for him. She tried to distract herself by writing in her journal. Suddenly, they heard something  not walk, but scurry down the stairs. "W-What was that?" Misty asked, pulling her sleeping bag  up to cover her mouth. The scurrying was getting louder. And suddenly, the light was shut off, the only thing they could see was the doorway as the hallway light spilled into the room, illuminating it dimly. Hitch ran to turn the lights on, and when he did, the pony from the front desk was standing on the ceiling, now in his true spider form. He flashed his fangs and tried to grab sunny, zip swooped in and flew sunny out of the way. "Everypony run!" Hitch yelled as he ran out the door and into the hallway. Everypony followed him as quickly as they could. The spider pony scurried down the hallway to catch them. They ran up the stairs and almost got through the front door, but it was covered in a sticky web, pip flew into it and was struggling to get free. The spider pony caught up to them And nearly ate her, when sunny turned into an alicorn and used her magic to freeze the spider pony. "Get her down! I can't hold this thing much longer!" Sunny said as the spell started to crack. Zip and Izzy got her free, and hitch and misty took the web down. They ran out as the spell failed, and the blast of magic breaking free caused the building to collapse. Sunny flew away before the building could crush her. Sunny's alicorn form flickered away as she landed, and a cloud of dust flew past her and her friends. They looked at the wreckage as the dust cleared away. the spider pony's mangled body was strewn throughout, along with it's green slimy guts. The ponies walking by were horrified, they ran to alert the mayor. Sunny and her friends decided that they should leave and look for comet, instead of dealing with the mayor, since they were clearly outcasts in this town, and they didn't want trouble.

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