Chapter nine: the rainbow of darkness.

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Comet woke up in Bloodmoons arms. The fireplace had burnt out overnight, and the warm sunrise peeked over the horizon, through the window. He rubbed his eyes, and put his glasses on. Comet smiled warmly as he looked at Bloodmoon. He was happy, he didn't have to worry about being unwanted anymore. He would never have to feel lonely or left out again. Bloodmoon would always be there for him.

"Bloodmoon, wake up." Comet said softly, sitting up from the floor. Bloodmoon woke up, and yawned as he stretched his front legs. "Good morning m-my sweet." Bloodmoon smiled, sitting up next to comet, nervously watching for his reaction. Comet blushed, embarrassed by the pet name. "Please don't call me that." Comet chuckled. "Sorry, I've never dated anypony before, I-I don't know what to call you." Bloodmoon stuttered, anxious that he might have embarrassed himself or made comet uncomfortable. "it's ok! Just call me by my name." Comet smiled reassuringly. "Ok." Bloodmoon breathed a sigh of relief, "so... what do you want to do today?" Bloodmoon asked.

Comet suddenly remembered that sunny and her friends still intended to defeat Bloodmoon. His eyes widened. "I... I think we have to fight sunny and her friends..." Bloodmoon was shocked. "But- I-I'm not ready! I don't have anything prepared- I don't even have a plan!" Bloodmoon said anxiously as he paced around the room. Comet's mind was racing, they would need immense power to win the battle, especially since sunny had the rainbow of light on her side. Bloodmoon started rummaging through boxes and chests, which were filled to the brim with ancient scrolls and artifacts. "No, no, no! Nothing here will come close to the power we need to defeat them, or rainbow of light!" Bloodmoon was very nervous, they were defenseless against the powerful magic of an alicorn combined with the rainbow of light. "Don't worry, we'll find something." Comet reassured him, "we can go to the breezie market, they have tons of relics there!" Comet said. Bloodmoon felt a little better, and nodded at comet. Bloodmoon put on a cloak, and teleported them into bridlewood.

They started walking down the road to the wishing tree. Bloodmoon pulled up the hood of his cloak, the shadows hid his face. Him and comet reached the wishing tree, and walked up the path to the market. The market was mugh larger than it looked from the outside, since the together trees have such powerful ancient magic, which was more powerful than ever after Opaline's defeat. They walked through the market, gazing at their surroundings. The wooden paths were lined with market stalls, each one selling stranger items than the last. They couldn't find what they were looking for in the crowded areas of the market, so they decided to go down to the lower levels.

 The wood of the path began to look darker, and more unkept the farther they descended. Eventually, they reached the bottom. It was much darker than the upper levels. No pony was there except for Bloodmoon, Comet, and the breezies who ran the few stalls down there. They started walking, staying close by each other and treading carefully, as this part of the market was especially shady. They walked up to every stall down there, until there was only one left. "Let's hope that this stall has what we need, I'd rather get out of here sooner rather than later." Comet whispered to him. Bloodmoon nodded in agreement as they stepped towards the stall. Comet took out his phone to translate what the breezie was saying.

 "Hello, we don't get many visitors down here. what brings you to this dark corner of the market?" The breezie asked in an elderly sounding voice. "We are looking for powerful magic. Something powerful enough to defeat an alicorn with the rainbow of light on her side." Bloodmoon replied, praying that she would have something, anything! That would help them to at least have a fighting chance. "I see... I think I have something that shall suffice, but I can't show you out here... too many peering eyes. Follow me." The breezie led them into a small hut behind her stall. And started digging through boxes of artifacts. "Are you sure we should trust her?" Comet asked Bloodmoon with a whisper, worried for their safety. "I don't know... but it's the only chance we have left."  Bloodmoon whispered back as the breezie pulled a small leather sack out of a chest. She flapped her wings to blow away the dust, and flew over to show them. 

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