Chapter 7

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Jisoo woke up, unaware that she even fell asleep with Jennie being the last thing she held.

She blushed profusely but was relieved when she was on the bed of her hotel room and Jennie was out of sight. That saves her from flustering over her even more.

Jisoo really pondered how Jennie had ended up being cursed. She was sweet, charming, and her people must've loved her as their princess. Well, she would if she was one of them. She never seemed the type to cause harm to a degree that she would be cursed for a very long time.

Judging from how Jennie seemed to be fine of sharing what happened in exchange of a wish, the reason behind the curse mustn't be something awful.

But later that night, Jennie didn't come back. Nor the next day on their meeting.

Nor the next morning after that.

Lisa gently opened the door with a shiver, "Ah, damn weather.."

"Where's Jennie babe, Jisoo babe?" Lisa questioned looking around the studio room they rented, just to find Jisoo being the earliest bird to prepare their instruments, "And uh, aren't you a little too overdressed?" The drummer said gazing at Jisoo who was clad in a white padded jacket under another thick jacket which was also under a black turtle neck and ear muffs.

"Don't know." Jisoo answered lifelessly, untangling the guitar cables, "And it's winter season."

Jennie has only been gone for 36 hours and 12 minutes and Jisoo didn't count that, she just.. happened to look at the clock when she didn't woke up beside Jennie that night.

It was a problem how Jisoo just got too fond with her that her mood seemed to get affected by the genie's absence. She wasn't the type to be clingy to her friends. She could even remember how she groaned at seeing Lisa bother her first thing in the morning when it had gone two weeks of not seeing her. That was before Lisa and Roseanne had gotten together. And Jisoo couldn't be happier that they did.

But this was different, she just had no inkling of where Jennie was.

Roseanne entered the studio right after her girlfriend, taking off her jacket from the cold weather outside, "Did you fight her or something?" The band's vocalist added.

"No. While waiting, I'm gonna have to ask you two to get hot coffee for everyone. We can only afford a few biscuits right now so go buy that for snacks too. Seulgi will be late since I told her to buy new wires for her guitar.." Jisoo extended her hand with cash, "..and please no stopping over somewhere, we need to go over the new song with new backing vocals even without Seul if we want to release it perfectly. Now, please. Thank you."

Roseanne and Lisa just looked at each other with meaning before leaving her with a hushed 'okay babe'

When the door shut, Jisoo paused, heaving out a sigh. She realized immediately how she had spoken to Lisa and Roseanne and mentally took note to apologize to them when they get back.

She sat on the sofa with eyes screwed shut, then immediately she rubbed the bridge of her nose when the first image she saw was Jennie.

"Where are you.." Jisoo inhaled deeply, losing count of how many times she had asked that question in worry of her genie.

She glanced at her bag and her body just moved by itself. Sooner than later, she had retrieved Jennie's bottle from her bag.

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