Chapter 11

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Lisa and Seulgi were seated on the door of Jisoo's hotel room, knocking there for half an hour already.

"Babe-unnie, I mean.. Jisoo, we said we're sorry.. neither you and Jennie babe showed up at the party last night, like we planned." Lisa pouted, "We won, our crowd were almost as loud as last night's main performers. It was crazy."

"Yeah, sorry, you don't have to go to that crazy date we thought of. Rosie and Irene already told us that what we did was a mistake. We shouldn't have butted in your chance of telling Jennie your feelings." Seulgi added, her head leaned by the door.

They both pouted as for the hundredth time, Jisoo didn't respond. They could only hear muffled rustles in the room as a sign that Jisoo has been inside since last night 'til that afternoon.

Jisoo's absence gave Seulgi and Lisa the impression that she didn't succeed in making amends with the angry Jennie last night, unlike them with their girlfriends.

That only made them more guilty knowing how Jennie just came back after days of Jisoo being away from her and immediately, they were not in speaking terms again. Jisoo must've been really down.

"Babe-unnie.. I'll give you my pikachu figurine if you forgive me." Lisa pouted, arms around her knees.

"Jisoo, you can eat my portion from our budget for a week if you forgive me.. sorry." Seulgi added.

On the other hand, Jisoo had finished packing her luggage. The puffiness in her eyes was evident as she spent hours necessary to cry her heart out for something she had no control of.

Jisoo realized after hours that she shouldn't have put the blame on Jennie.

Being a genie was her job. Granting her wish was her job.

It was Jisoo's fault for falling for her.

Even when up until now, she could feel the taste of Jennie's lips lingering on hers, she still scratched the idea of them being more than just friends.

It was obvious how Jennie was just being her kind genie to grant her a kiss, to not turn her down in humiliation when she confessed, to make her feel special for a few moments. Jennie always has been that kind and it was one of the traits that made Jisoo fall deeply for her.

Jisoo wore sunglasses and sighed wearily when her eyes land on Jennie's bottle on the table.

Jennie must've heard all her weeping.

She'll just apologize for making her leave last night if she's ready to see her again without wanting to wish for one more kiss. She needed to stop herself now.

She was down to her last wish and although the reality was painful, nothing compares to the possible agony if Jennie actually disappears because Jisoo mistakes in wishing selfishly again.

She took Jennie's bottle and hid it in her backpack, knowing it won't break when the crochet was there.

She flew the door open and it hadn't surprised her that Seulgi and Lisa's bodies fell down on her doorstep. Their faces brightened then fell when they saw Jisoo.

"Hi, we're sorry.." Lisa began.

"Yeah, it's alright. I heard you two. Congrats to us for winning a studio, right?" Jisoo grinned as if she did not just cry like a baby last night.

"You and Jennie didn't show up last night nor this breakfast and lunch.. what's going on?"

"I'm great! Let's go home to Cleveland." Jisoo said.

Seulgi gestured at her face and Jisoo laughed and fixed her sunglasses, "Ah yes, I have red eyes. I look really bad with it."

The two just let it slip as Jisoo seemed to be problem-free. It's that or she was just such a good actress.

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