Chapter 9

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Their number one rule in the band wasn't to 'always share your opinions on the band's sound' as that ony came in second. The first was to never trust Viva Voce.

The third one by the way was to never put Lisa behind the stove.

And truth be told, Jisoo was an avid follower of their rules as a leader. That's why even with Viva Voce's new member, Jisoo couldn't feel a bit of trust with her. It must've been the Viva Vomit curse.

"I already said that I need someone superstitious enough to know about genies. And since you know nothing about them, I'm not sharing anymore since it'll be a waste of time. So the next time I'll see you will be on the crowd of Columbus, crying in defeat." Jisoo cockily said.

"What makes you think that I know nothing about them? What if I know a lot?" Sohee implied.

"What do you know?" Jisoo asked.

Sohee's lips cracked into a smile, "I know they're evil that's why they're cursed to suffer forever."

Jisoo clenched her jaw as if a switch turned, "That is not true! They're sweet and kind, you don't know them at all! How could you say that when you haven't even met one of them?!"

"Why? Have you?"

Jisoo gulped subtly. Sohee stepped back as if to assess why Jisoo was acting out, "Don't tell me that you have a genie?"

There was the million dollar question. Jisoo didn't like boasting to people she had a genie, which was so much opposite to Jennie boasting that Jisoo was her master. But Jisoo was a horrible liar. Jennie even said she could see right through her just by looking at her eyes even on the first day they met.

"Who has a genie? Not me.. I don't even have a bottle.. or– or a lamp, since you know, both can be an option. Not that I have either of those.." Jisoo said.

Sohee's eye suddenly twitched as if something had bothered her then she inhaled deeply into the air.

She then just stared at Jisoo before she let out a sigh of boredom, "Yeah, obviously you have no genie when you still live this crappy life being a nobody. It seems like you're just a nerd to want to know about them that much."

Jisoo inhaled sharply. Before she could act on her growing temper, an arm suddenly draped around her shoulder, "Are you bothering my babe, huh?"

"Roseanne." Jisoo didn't know why but she felt like she was saved by the bell.

"Tall blondie who Suzy likes." Sohee named her and Roseanne scoffed.

Roseanne just pulled Jisoo's shoulders, "Mayhaps we leave? We still have somewhere to go. Let's go, babe."

Jisoo let out a sigh of relief when they had walked away from Sohee, maybe a little too fast as it was the vocalist who dragged her.

Roseanne glanced back to make sure Sohee wasn't following them from the opposite direction of the hotel, "Jisoo, Irene and I were in the lobby and Jennie popped out of nowhere.. she said you were in danger outside the hotel and I needed to go to you."

Jisoo's lips parted, "W-what? You.. she.."

"Yes." Roseanne replied, "She showed up."

"Why? Why did she say there was danger?" Jisoo asked. The adrenaline in her body pumping when she heard Jennie had appeared, even when it wasn't with her.

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