Chapter 12

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Jisoo stirred awake with quite a soft yet heavy weight on her torso. It had hair too, with a familiar scent that she could only associate to one person.

She hoarsely croaked, "Je–en," It was barely a whisper.

Jennie didn't move yet her shoulders were bouncing at every sound of sniffs from the genie, "I'm.. sorry, please.. don't leave me.. I'll be a good genie.. I won't get genie-napped again.."

Jisoo smiled. Jennie was like a grown-up-baby-cat that she'd like to always cuddle up in her arm. And even when her body was sore, she found comfort and ease in the position of Jennie on her torso.

As Jennie continued her monologue, Jisoo's eyes scanned the area. She expected a plain hospital room after the incident but it looked like an extravagant hotel suite with Lisa and Seulgi playing mini pingpong on the farthest right of the room.

Weird. Since when were they this rich? Was this the afterlife?

Jisoo thought she must have woken up 5 years later after a coma where they've already reached all of their dreams to tour the world with their music. Jisoo washed that thought away as she wanted nothing but to really experience all of that climbing-up-to-victory someday and not just arriving through a coma shortcut.

Jisoo glided her hand up from Jennie's bum toward her waist and smiled at the comfort. She could get used to this.

Jisoo blinked in realization. Jennie's Bum.

Did she just wake up holding or possibly almost groping Jennie's butt cheek?! Instantly, Jisoo's insides were twisting and turning again. She had got to stop thinking and unintentionally acting all perverted around Jennie!

"Master babe! You're awake! Oh my god!" Jennie cried in an instant as her arms flew around Jisoo's neck, moving forward to basically straddle around Jisoo's hips as though it had been months that she had last Jisoo's eyes flutter open.

The overwhelming reaction from Jennie scared Jisoo. Her thought of waking up 5 years after couldn't be real right?

Jisoo watched how her band members and Yeri gathered by the bedside and greeted her with a big warm smile. Although Irene seemed to not be around yet.

They don't look like they're 5 years older, do they? Jisoo thought.

"How long was I out?" She croaked out with her hoarse voice.

"5 hours."

They all gazed in one motion at Jennie still crying upon Jisoo's chest as if Jisoo just resurrected from her tombstone.

"Jen, I'm not dead.."

Jennie snapped her head at her, her red puffy face exposed to everybody who had stifled their giggles, "You almost did, my master babe! Are you okay?! Are you breathing fine?! Come here I will give you oxygen!"

"Woah! Woah!" Rosie motioned towards Jennie when she was about to lean onto Jisoo's lips with lips opened so she could give her oxygen.

Rosie was holding Jennie back and explaining to her how she can't just be sitting on Jisoo since she just recovered and how they shouldn't also be kissing in front of everyone.

"I'm not going to kiss her! I will give her oxygen! I will give her life because she saved my life, I'm grateful enough to give her all the oxygen in the world!" Jennie argued, pulling the still stunned Jisoo with her neck and attempting to put her lips on Jisoo again.

Everyone was shouting 'Wait, Jennie!' again and pulled her.

"Let's save the oxygen-giving when you two are alone! Jisoo's literally alive and well. Now, let's all calm down and sit up, aight?" Seulgi reasoned too.

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