Chapter Eight

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It was two days later and Amber had a phone call from Daisy.

"Did the video work?" was the first thing Daisy said after picking up the phone.

"Oh, hi Daisy, how are you?" Amber teased.

"Hi, Amber," Daisy mumbled. "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, and so is Jonas."

"So... the video? Did it work?"


Daisy's heart sank.

"But you've got to understand, Daisy, that Jonas is exhausted. You'll move on."

"I'm not sure I will," said Daisy, honestly.

"Daisy, I don't want this to sound rude, but this is about Jonas, not you."

"You're right," Daisy admitted. "I'm being selfish."

"Thank you for understanding. And besides, Jonas is still going to be active on socials."

"So what's next for you and Jonas?"

"We're going travelling," said Amber.

"Oooh, that sounds exciting!" exclaimed Daisy.

"It does, doesn't it? I can't wait."

"Make sure you keep in touch with me, best friend."

Amber was touched again that Daisy had again called her her best friend. "Of course I will. You know I will."

"I want to hear all about your adventures."

"You definitely will."

"Well, I must get back to my studying. Catch you later, Amber."

"Bye, Daisy!" She hung up.


Even though he was retiring, Jonas was still excited to hear where his song had placed in the charts.

At six p.m on the dot, Jonas got a phone call. Amber was sitting with him.

"Hello?" answered Jonas.

"Is that Jonas James?"


"Hi. I'm Nathan Burns and I'm calling from the Official Chart show."

"I'm listening," said Jonas, putting Nathan on loudspeaker.

"I am pleased to inform you that you're this week's Number One!"

Jonas was a little taken aback. Amber started jumping up and down excitedly.

"Wow, thank you."

"How do you feel?" asked Nathan.

"A bit shocked, to be honest," said Jonas.

"Well," said Nathan, "I'll leave that with you to sink in, and oh, happy retirement!"

"Thank you so much. Bye." He hung up.

Amber flung her arms around Jonas. "See how loved you are?"

"I'm a little shocked, to be honest."

"Why? I'm not shocked at all."

"It's not long ago I was seen as a big joke."

"But partly thanks to me..."

"All thanks to you." He kissed her softly. "I can't thank you enough. It's because of you that I can retire like I am."

Amber blushed. "You're welcome," she said.

Suddenly Jonas picked Amber up and spun her round, before kissing her again. "I've never been so happy."

"Me neither," said Amber, and she meant it.

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