Be a friend to me 5

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"'Cause even when we're gone, I'll still be here."


It's the weekend and I just hung out with Owen and Izzy. Those two are dating. Well, I had to third wheel them. Can you imagine? No offense, but what does Owen see in that girl? She's a total nutcase and went completely mad! It doesn't really matter. Me and Cody walked home together again, and it started raining. It was soothing, and I wanted to stay longer.

I cannot lie, but when Cody was there soaked up by the rain, he looked... Pretty? Why am I even thinking this! I'm a man. My parents still have a long ass business trip again.

Anyway, while I was in the rain, I felt so much comfort. The sky was a blue-ish gray, almost turning a navy blue. The scent was so satisfying as it reached into my nostrils. As I ran through the rain with Cody, all I could think was, 'Why am I never good enough? My parents basically neglected me to prioritize work. Even if I was sick, they'd tell me to just buy some medicine. They'd give me money, but it was never enough. Emma left me, and I'm just a lonely teen who was a small group of friends. But, why? Out of all the people in my friend group, why does Cody just get me the most? Why is he the one I felt more at home with than Emma?'

Speaking of the rain, while I'm writing this, it's raining. I'm home alone, as always. I'm bored. I'm tired. Also, I'm almost done reading this neat book I bought. The house is so quiet. I have nothing to do. There's this show Cody wants me to watch? I think it's called Nightly Manor? I should call Cody to watch it with me, then.

I'll end this chapter off here! Nyway, I'M BACK POOKIES!!

Walking back home // NocoWhere stories live. Discover now