I Don't Smoke

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"Just don't leave me alone, wondering where you are. I am stronger than you give me credit for."

The wind was rustling through the different types of trees, I've noticed. I was alone for the night because Cody was going on a trip with his family. I was thinking. Thinking about whatever happened to my brother.

Where is he? What happened to him? Did my parents hide the truth from me?

Hearing the phone ping, I was taken aback for a while. Who was messaging me? Still watching the swaying leaves, I checked my phone. Oh. It was just a post from Cody. Look at his beautiful features. The way his hair falls gently down to his eyes, his glimmering eyes, the way his lips curl into a smile, revealing his gapped tooth, his cute teeth, and the way his freckles make his face glow.


My eyes widened as I cowered slowly into the dark corner of my room. It was piled with different clothes, making it easier for me to hide. I heard rattling from my parents' bedroom. The stomping slowly drew closer to my room.

As the door clicked, I saw the figure. He looked almost similar to me. Except, his features were more refined. He looked tired, his body was slouching over the door, and he smiled over at me. What the fuck? "Noah! You've grown!" Huh? What was this stranger saying? Am I hallucinating? Am I dying or some shit? Anyway, no fucking shit. People grow, stupid ass.

I slowly came out of hiding. How did he see me? I had so many questions. I slowly jostled through the messy piles of trash and clothes strewn all over the floor, making my way to the man.

I swallowed the big lump of anxiety in my throat, looking up at the tall man. He didn't look as skinny as I did.

"Who... Are you?" I lifted a brow, observing the stranger a bit more.

He giggled. This is ludicrous. Why is he laughing over a question that I have a right to ask? "I'm your brother, Noah. It's me! Nick!" He smiled, embracing me. I froze. My world seemed to change. I never remembered who my brother was. My parents sent him away, I supposed. I tentatively smiled.

I tried to ask him what happened to him. Did they send him away, where the sun won't shine? My hands shook slowly into a fist. "What happened to you? Nick..?" I chewed the insides of my mouth, my legs shook beneath me. I felt like I was going to fall. I lived a fallacy. I lived a lie. He stopped by the bedside, looking at me straight in the eye. The silence was loud. The air conditioner could be heard from here. I don't like the situation I'm in.

"I ran away."


I ran away

I ran away

I ran away


It kept repeating in my head.





I repeatedly hit my ears, shaking. Why would he? "But... Why?" It was official. I've heard it all. "Mom and Dad are horrible people, Noah. They're emotionally neglectful. I'm sure you know that." He paused, wondering if he should continue. "They don't care about us. They want us to be successful, like them. If you aren't, they have no use for you." He sighed. I'm sure he had enough of it. My siblings did too. Was that why they never came back? Why was he here, then? I was uncertain about what I should believe. I know Mom and Dad are only neglectful because they're busy people. They didn't mean it. They don't have time to check up on us. I begged for this to stop because I was already tired.

"Get out," I hissed.

He climbed atop the bed, then crouched down to my level. He lifted his eyebrows, staring into my soul. I felt scared.


"Get. Out." I repeated, but louder this time. "Please..." I begged under my shivering breath. The tears seemed to start flowing in as I pushed him away. I swallowed another lump in my throat. I just wanted Cody to come back. He huffed and smiled. It was genuine, yet... Sad. "Alright," He hugged me one last time. "I'll come back for you, don't forget that." I watched him walk away to Mom and Dad's room, then into the window.


After the strange incident, I couldn't help but call Cody. I felt my heart and stomach sink deeper each second the more I thought about it. It was already 1:00 am.




C: Noah?

N: Voice shaking Tonight was... Interesting. His voice breaks more.

C: Oh no, what happened?

N: I met my brother for the first time in... Ages. I don't know how to feel about it. He looked so odd. Not. Not in a bad way! Of course. Well, I felt off about him. He ran away from home and told me the quote-on-quote truth about our family. I don't know what to believe.

C: It's alright, love.

C: Listen, I gotta sleep. I'm coming back tomorrow, so...

N: Oh! That's great! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?

C: Of course. I love you, Noah.

N: I love you too, Cody.

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