Meteor Shower 11

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"I'd sell all my bones for sapphire stones 'cause blue is your favorite color.

The relaxing sound of trees swaying with the wind calmed my nerves. Spring break wasn't the best so far since I'm allergic to pollen. I missed my star-crossed lover(A friend that reciprocates your affection but you aren't dating them), Cody. That's a starter for this week. "Noah, are you just going to sit there watching the trees all day?" Mother quirked her eyebrow and cocked her head sideways. I turned around to get a better look at her. Her wavy hair brushed her shoulders nicely, her uniform set nicely. She was very young-looking, despite her age. Her arms were crossed. Seemed like she'd be leaving alongside Dad. "Uhm, no. I'm planning to do some things today. Are you and Dad going to be gone for a while?" She nodded her head and assured me it wouldn't take so long unless their schedule would be booked up. Like always. I sigh and just give in. I gave a weak smile and wished her a safe travel.

After my parents went to the airport, I decided to hang out with Cody and walk with him at the park. Maybe have a picnic until dark, since tonight was a meteor shower. I was pretty stoked since I wanted to confess to Cody that night. I stood up and took my allowance for the week. It was about $100 since I had some pretty rich parents. I wanted him to have the best day of his life. I can imagine the smile he'll have across his face. I wanted to pepper his pretty face. I then took a walk to the grocery store. I bought some chocolates, a baguette, and soda. I don't know why I bought a baguette, I just wanted to eat some at the moment. I feel like this is the hardest I've ever tried for a crush or even a lover. Honestly, how would I even know? I only dated Emma. She's my first love.

It was 5 pm, and the sky started to grow dark. It was time to make a move. I walked to Cody's house and asked him if he could come to the park with me. My right arm was filled with a picnic blanket and food. "Yeah, sure! I can come with you to the park. My parents are pretty busy right now anyway. I was trying to waste some time before my parents came back tomorrow." I smiled and we were on our way to the park. Walking there was such a simple yet calming experience. Before I knew it, we were already at the park. Many couples, families, and people in general were also there to watch. "Woah! Why's there a lot of people?" He giggles, smiling. "There's a meteor shower happening." I dully say, unintentionally. "Ooh! Seems interesting." He clasps his fingers together and smiles. My face lit up when he took an interest in my interest.

"It's starting!" He points at the sky. His eyes glitter as he munches on a piece of a buttered baguette while watching. "The moon sure looks beautiful," I mumble. He looks at me, confused whether I said something or not. "Did you say something?" "I said the moon looks beautiful." I cleared my throat. His eyes widen with sparkles. I saw his face lit up. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. "Yes..! Y-yes, it looks captivating." He smiles, putting his hand atop mine. He leans his head sideways, admiring the stars. I playfully whisper in his ear, "I love you, Cody." He looks up and relaxes his eyes, telling me he loves me too. I pulled him closer to me to feel his warmth and closed my eyes. I couldn't remember if I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes, it was midnight. Barely anyone was there anymore. I wake up the gap-toothed teen to tell him we have to go home. He lousily picks up the picnic blanket, and I pick up the food.

We were both too tired to get home on foot, but we managed. He smiles with a goodbye. We parted ways, and I tried to process everything that happened. Are we friends, or are we more than that? I plop myself on the bed and pet my dog. She wags her tail as I scratch her head. I was so exhausted, I slowly couldn't move anymore. My eyes were droopy, and the ceiling looked fuzzy. I felt heavy making me drift off to sleep.

I'll forever cherish this day.

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