Apple Cider 10

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"Call me at midnight, let's give this thing a try?"

Ever since Cody lost his sister to cancer, he couldn't sleep well. He was exhausted. Noah's parents came home for the day since there weren't any booked appointments, trips, or interviews. They both were overwhelmed still. They wanted one thing. To just hear each other's voices. So, that's exactly what they did. Call each other.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Noah's POV

I wanted to call him. I miss hearing his melodious tune as he spoke. He hasn't been himself though, lately. When I realized he responded, I lit up with joy. My face flushed with red and the corners of my mouth smiled hard.

Hey, Noah.
What's up?
Nothing much. I'm still a little upset, though.
Oh. I'm sorry. Do you mind telling me what happened?

His voice seemed almost breaking. Fuck. Did I do something wrong again? I pursed my lips, holding up my phone. I look at Nova, then I look back at my phone. I only heard sharp breaths, hicks, and a few sobs. I take a deep breath almost ready to apologize. Why do I feel sorry? I've never felt this way before. My heart sinks and I take another deep breath.

My sister just died. I haven't been to school because of her death.
How'd she die?
Oh... I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have mentioned it.
It's all good. I just wanted to hear your voice.
It's all nice and pretty.

My face turned more red. I let out a slight giggle and smiled. I didn't believe what I heard. Was my voice nice and pretty? Usually, people would say that my voice was raspy and monotonous. As if I didn't want to be there anymore. That was mostly the case, but it always drove people away. I smile even harder just thinking about it.

Are we... Friends?
I don't know. How long do I have to keep waiting for you?
You tell me.
It will pass...
How would you know?

I stayed silent for a quick minute. I thought back and reflected on what I said. I felt extremely guilty and I couldn't brush that feeling away. I love Cody, yet I love Emma. Love is so fucking difficult it kills me just to think of it. I thought about what to say to the poor guy. Why am I always carrying these burdens? I stopped thinking about it and just responded to his question.

Because of Emma, Cody. She said she loved me but in the end, she's with someone else. Someone worth her time. Someone who's a better listener. I'm not ambitious. I don't even plan on living that long. I wouldn't know what to do in the end. I'm dependent on others and I plead for more once they're gone.
I understand what you mean. I always thought that I would end up with Gwen no matter what. I was never worth her time. I had so much ambition, yet I dreaded hard work. I hated facing my fears. I always ran away. It's not your fault.
Do you still want to call?
Yeah... I still miss your voice.

He lulls. I can imagine his little grin that revealed the gap between his teeth. I liked how the brunette's voice sounded like silky white chocolate when he was happy. He was pretty. My pretty boy. God, I love the touch of his lips. His arms around my waist. I just hoped Mom or Dad didn't find out about all this. The love developing between me and my friend, or that we're calling at this time of night.

I miss yours too. I miss you so much, Cody. I don't know why.
Oh. Thanks. Can you stay on the phone, please? I don't feel like leaving.
Yeah, sure. I didn't want to hang up, either.
Thanks, Noah.
Don't worry about it.

I stayed on the phone with him for the entire night. I just hoped this would help him sleep better. I couldn't help but just smile myself to sleep. This felt like such a memorable night. I don't want to forget this ever. Is my voice nice and pretty?

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