There is a light that never goes out 6

119 3 12

"And if a double-decker bus, crashes into us...To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."

This is how the rainy walk home happened.

The final school bell rang and everyone gave sighs of relief as they walked outside the school halls. I, too was relieved. I see my friends Owen, Izzy, and Eva raring to go home. "Hey, Noah! Hang out at Iz's place tomorrow?" They all stopped in their tracks to talk to me. I was just gonna wait for Cody to finish packing up. He's very slow. "Yeah, sure! That sounds cool. Yeah uhm... Sorry guys, I'm not gonna walk home with you all again. Hope you understand." I scratch the back of my neck. It was itching a bit. Mind you, we were in between my classroom and the school hallways. "YOU KNOW, I WANTED TO MIX CHOCOLATE MILK INTO MY LUNCH AND I NEARLY THREW UP!!! THAT WAS SOOOOOO FUN!!!!!!" The red-haired girl jumped up and down the back of the big blonde boy's shoulders. "Izzy, you did throw up." I chuckled. She recalled it and went bonkers. Usual Izzy.  "Well, we're off! See you, buddy!" Owen walked off with the others.

I waited for the brunette to swiftly pack up his stuff before we headed home. "I'm sorry, Noah!" He apologized to me as he grabbed his pencil case and notebooks. Some were filled with doodles and poems, while others were school-related. But that doesn't mean there wasn't any room for his doodles. "You done?" I groan looking down at my phone, looking up random shit to entertain myself. He finally rose from the sitting position he was in, and he was done! "Finally, I'm finished!! I'm sorry that took so long, Noah!" He apologized once again. We both headed home for the day and thanked the stars that it was a weekend. As we got the fresh breeze across our faces, we both started to chat.

"How was it between you and Emma?" The gap-toothed boy asked. I was pretty hesitant to reply, although me and Emma still did talk. Only during math, at least. "Well... I- Uhm... We're doing okay. She actually has... a boyfriend now." I stammered. You could tell I felt pretty upset. The guilt on his face was evident. I didn't quite feel guilty for just randomly telling him my ex finally found someone for her. "You know, I watched this cool show yesterday! It's called Nightly Manor. It was incredibly short, yet I loved it!" We talked about random things, you know, same old, same old. The sky grew grayer and grayer by each minute. We both paused for a quick minute. That was when a single drop of rain hit my face. The brunette puts out his palm and he realizes it is raining. Such a beautiful sight to see. The autumn leaves fall gracefully with the rain.

We both started running to the closest bus stop we could find before the rain became heavy. We were slowly starting to get soaked. I was blasting music from one of my earphones. It was Walking Back Home by Vira Talisa. Somehow, I love this song. It was soothing, and it just spoke out to me. Both me and Cody slowly stopped caring about getting soaked in the rain. The teal-eyed boy danced in the rain, laughing. Was it weird that I adored his smile and his mannerisms? I smiled a little wider as he twirled, nearly slipping on the slippery concrete floor. "Be careful." I giggled. My heart skipped a beat. I felt like Cody was my home. My comfort. It used to be Emma, but I understood her ambitious personality. She was always so certain about what she wanted.

Guess that's why she didn't stay with me. Why am I overthinking all this?! I should enjoy my time with Cody. He was so fun to be around. I joined him, dancing and smiling. We hopped on the small puddles, getting our baggy jeans soaked. I've never had this much fun dancing in the rain. We finally got tired and got onto a random bus. As we had a seat, we both looked at each other and just giggled. A song by The Smiths was blasting through my ears, and Cody could probably hear my music. "I love The Smiths!" He giggles. I thought I misheard him since my music was up. I glanced at him quickly and removed my other earphones. "What?" "I said I love The Smiths." He mumbles. "You have good taste in music." He added, but in a softer tone. He hums along to the melody of the song with me. "You wanna listen to music with me?" I offered him the other bud and he happily accepted.

Am I slowly falling for Cody?

It can't be. I still like Emma, right?

No. She has a new boyfriend now. Get over it.





Cody gave me a little nudge, telling me we're near the neigborhood we live in. He lives in a different neighborhood. It's just a little close to mine. Our clothes dried up a little, but the rain hasn't stopped. We both just went down to our stop, and headed home. "It was nice hanging out with you, Cody." I smile. He agreed, and we went our seperate ways.


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