Something 16

62 0 14

"Something in the way he moves,"

I couldn't believe it.

We're almost 12th graders. It's pretty crazy, really.

Just two more weeks. I've been tossing and turning over the concept of almost reaching adulthood. Yeah sure, I've been pretty much living by myself because my parents aren't home almost all year. But, that doesn't mean I'm ready to be out there.

I never thought I would live past this age. I just turned 17, and I still don't know what to do once I finally get out of this hell hole.

I think staying home has really corrupted my mind. I decided to take a little stroll around and invite Cody to go somewhere with me. I stretched my legs consciously, hoping I don't get nerve-stinging cramps. Gosh, those hurt. Mind you, I'm just wearing a band tee with long-length khaki shorts. I sometimes steal my dad's casual clothes, you see.

I reached the kitchen, about to announce that I was gonna leave the house. 'Till I remembered that this home was devoid of people. "Bye bye, Nova." I finally saw my dog as she realized from the other room that I wasn't gonna be home for a bit.

Oh, sweet fresh air. I wasn't a fan of the outdoors, but I had to go out every now and then. I slipped on my earphones and played some music. I didn't know what I clicked on but I just let it play.

I've been having intrusive thoughts lately and although I feel happy, I feel numb too. I don't know what to do when I grow up and whether I want to move out.

It took me a while to get to Cody's home since walking really tires me.

Little beads of sweat dripped down my forehead as I knocked on his door as the radiating Sun toasted me. Oh, boy! Do I love the outdoors? The door creaks open and I see a woman. She was skinny, blonde, and with a cold blue appraising stare. I was guessing this was Cody's mother.

He hates her. But she doesn't need to know that.

"Who must you be?" She curled up an eyebrow glaring at me up and down. I was wearing an 'I don't give a fuck' attire which I presumed she doesn't really enjoy it. I look like a peasant. But I really am not. "Noah, ma'am. I'm here to see your son. A close friend of mine." I huffed as I tentatively smiled.

"Hm... Come in." She turns her back leaving the door wide open for me to enter in.

I bowed showing my respect as I entered the home of my boyfriend. I looked around to see how traditional this household looked. Antique clocks and vases were seen pervasive here.

"What brings you here, Noah?" The elderly woman looked upon me as if she condescended me. The atmosphere was scary, but cool. Something out of a historical fiction book. Reminds me that I should go to the library. I was too busy digging through my thoughts, I forgot I had a conversation with Mrs. Anderson. "Well?" She crosses her arms. Scary.

"I was wondering if I could hang out with Cody. Go on a walk, perhaps. You see, I barely go outside unless I have company. So, I've been hoping you'd let me hang out with him?" I picked on the sides of my fingernails.

"You're very polite for a teenage boy..." She hummed. I nodded as a thank you for that so-called, 'compliment'.

She led me upstairs as an approval, alas. "There's Cody's room. I speculate he has always been at your home, so it's time you've seen his room." She sighed before knocking upon the white wooden door. I swallowed that dry lump in my throat as he slowly popped out the door. "There you go. Dinner'ill be in a few hours." Cody's mother speaks in a British-esque kind of way.

It's interesting, really.

The brunette smiled at me widely but showed hints of confusion. "Why'd you come over?" "A little change, I guess." I giggled.

"Oh yeah, you'd be bored to death. This place is fucking ancient. Dusty and archaic. Woah... Big words. But yeah, it's home, I guess." He shrugs as he puts his legs up. I looked around his big ass room and just admired it all. His family's practically richer than my family. I wish they weren't, though.

I wondered what his parents do for a living. "So..." I cleared my throat of phlegm as I began to ask. "What do your parents do for a living? I never asked."  I licked my dried lips and pursed them to kind of moisturize them, y'know?

"Oh my Mom stays at home. Dad is a Computer Network Engineer with a masters. Pretty cool, eh?" I do admit, it was cool. At least he got to see his parents a lot. I nodded and just smiled. I noticed his electric keyboard sitting by the side of his bed. Probably dusting up. "My parents are like corporate executives, I guess. I never saw them a lot, it's whatever." I say with no emotion. I'm used to telling people that I never really saw my parents unless their schedules weren't packed up, which they are.

We stayed silent for a bit, just taking in the moment. Feeling each other's company. Cody then just stood up and played music on his boombox thing. I don't fucking know I only own an iPod and a phone.

There are places I remember,

We laid on his bed in silence, looking up at the ceiling with the ceiling fan silently buzzing. I felt the tips of his fingers crawling upon my hand hesitantly. I looked at my side to see him. He's so beautiful. His eyes sparkling like the sea. Angelic.

All my life, though some have changed

The music played softly in the background. What was this music? It's almost as if it spoke to me. Wow.

"I love you." He whispered raspily. My heart fluttered hearing him utter those words so softly. I closed my eyes and felt my heartbeat. "I love you more, Cody." I turn my hand upwards to grip his hands tighter.

In my life, I love you more...

We finally met each other's eyes. His upper eyelashes fell so perfectly upon his lower ones. His eyes truly symbolize the ocean. I wanted to stay like this forever.
"I think I hear my mom coming." He finally let go of my hand, leaving a bitter taste in my tongue. I knew his Mom was homophobic and that just made me feel bad. I would transfer his suffering to me. He deserves everything. I want to do things that would make him forget the pain he felt.

Something in the way she moves

The music finally changed. I really liked the music being played. It was soothing and beautiful. Reminding me of Cody.

"What's the artist's name?" I nibbled on a fingernail and waited for a reply. "The Beatles. They're kinda like The Smiths but they got a lotta rock n' roll. I like rock n' roll." Just seeing him chatter about his favorite band makes me swoon. Every word coming out of his mouth sounds like harmony.

"I like George Harrison, but the other's are cool. What do you think?" I slowly nod and smile as if I understood a word. I didn't want to hurt him. I would never do anything to hurt him.

Attracts me like no other lover.

He hummed as he chewed the inside of my mouth. Almost like analyzing something. "You seem like a John Lennon type of person." He pointed and giggled. I don't really know who John Lennon is but, I hope I hear that laugh forever.

I looked at the time realizing it's almost sun down. I prefer walking home before sundown. Night time is beautiful yet scary. That's the beauty of it all. I stood up, said my farewell and pecked his forehead.

"Good night, Cody."

"Good night, Noah."

Walking back home // NocoWhere stories live. Discover now