Chapter 1: A Nerve Wracking Encounter

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"Abaeze! Come here!"

A call from a mother rings from the door. A young man awakens from his slumber, Abaeze Jumda. No more than about 17 or so years old, this boy is soon to have the world open up to him like never before. The sun was beaming out of the window like any other day, but there was something about today of all days. He makes haste getting dressed into something before departing from his bedroom and running over to his mother in their living room. The room's were...homely, not a lot of furniture besides a sofa and a table with a TV on the other end. Once Abaeze's mother caught eye of her son her eyes beamed with joy. She seemed to be holding a letter, what was she so overjoyed about?

"You see the seal? It's from the Royal Family! It's your endorsement letter! You can partake in the Pokémon League!"

Overwhelmed with joyous emotions Abaeze and his mother embrace for a hug. The former having graduated his studies at the Pokémon school, just now being given permission to become a full fledged trainer. A rare opportunity to be sure, especially for the two who are of less well off background. Following the prolonged hug, Abaeze's mother informs him of something important.

"I need to tell your father about this- what are you waiting for? You need to get changed, a little something presentable please! And before I forget, you need to head over to the Professor's Lab today, okay? An hour from now! Alright?!"

After reassuring his mother he wouldn't forget he quickly paced back towards his room as he got ready for the journey that was about to befall him. Having anxiously awaited this day he already had everything he needed for the journey ahead. Within almost no time at all he found himself more appropriately dressed. Shirt, shoes, the complete look. Not to forget about his bag of course, brand new in preparation for this day. Abaeze was ready, it was time to set out on his adventure. Exiting his room for what will be the last time in a while he went to his mother once more and gave a farewell hug.

"Ah! So eager my boy! Now you do good out there or I will drag you back to that Pokémon School myself alright?!"

Abaeze simply chuckled, he knew his mother was talking in jest and her chuckling in kind confirmed that. One last goodbye before Abaeze grabbed onto the handle of his front door. A single deep breath and...

The sun hit him with its warm glow as he took his first steps of his journey. The way the earth slightly crackles under his steps and the way the humid air touches his skin, it truly felt like he was about to experience Ijowa in all of its true glory. He still had some time before needing to meet up with the Professor, why not explore part of the outskirts of his little town he has yet to discover? Lagso, was its name, very small and not very populated. But it was what separated the regular folk and the world of adventure. He rushed out from the left exit of the town, already choosing to make his way over to the adjacent city where the Professor resided and the school he attended. The hue of the ground beneath him shifted from brown to green as he approached the bridge that lay on top of a river. As he approached Abaeze's eyes began to gaze upon wild Pokémon within their natural habitat. Rhyncho, the Earth Crawler Pokémon and the first of many Pokémon native entirely to the Ijowa Region. This small larva-like Pokémon was minding its own business, scurrying across the harsh landscape scavenging for any food it may be able to find.

 This small larva-like Pokémon was minding its own business, scurrying across the harsh landscape scavenging for any food it may be able to find

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