Chapter 3: First Steps

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Now having finally escaped the grasps of her mother Jazmine now had time to breath. Though soon after everyone had gotten out Abaeze apologised as he'd have to exit out early due to wanting to complete "an errand" before hastily running off.

"I'm sorry, both of you, but there's something else that I need to do first. I'll try to meet up with the pair of you again soon. I enjoyed our time even if a little short, until we meet again!"

That was weird, but it didn't matter too much to Jazmine as they were sure to meet up in the near future again. Now then, time to catch up and get to know with this internet friend she had already been in touch with.

"If I knew I was gonna see you I would've made our meeting a little more climactic, but I suppose that doesn't matter much now."

She scoped the landscape of the all too familiar city she lived in, now giving Cherri free reign on how things should be approached.

"So, you got a battle plan? You trying to blast through the gyms asap or are you more of a Pokédex nerd?"

Cherri nodded to her talking about their meeting, but he liked the simplicity of it. Too much and it would've overwhelmed him. He looked around when she began to ask him about the approach. He began to stutter before speaking in a quiet tone.

"I-I don't know.. I didn't really plan this out... I overthink things too much and I feared I would.. y'know, mess myself up..."

Jazmine quickly retorted, though not necessarily with any words of encouragement, but something that satisfies her own current agenda.

"Well, if you ask me, I need to size you up first. C'mon, you may be one Pokémon up but I wanna battle you. Think of it as... getting to know each other better."

She just wanted an excuse to battle with the new Pokémon she just got, to be honest. Unlike Cherri's she's been itching to get on her journey and has been mentally thinking it through for ages. Besides, you always grow better with a good rival to test your limits now right?

"o-okay.. so it's fair Bolt can stay out of it.."

Cherri held up his Pokéball as he tossed the Haeta out of it. The Pokémon exited the ball with a mix of annoyance and confusion, looking at his trainer with contempt. Seems like the little Pokémon believes Cherri gets in the way of the revenge he desires. Jazmine shrugged her shoulders. This made it easier for her to win and she wasn't going to squander that chance to take advantage of.

"You won't hear me complaining."

She made some space and took to her waist, taking the sole Pokéball around it and tossing it to the ground. Out came Moistier, full of energy and brimming with vigour. It gave a cute little cry in an attempt to show dominance.

"Alright then, hope you're ready! Moistier, show it your moves!"

It cried with drive and power, heading with fierce vim towards Haeta. Though Jazmine failed to give it any meaningful command, so it decided to charge at the buffalo and fire an Aqua Jet towards its opponent. Having type advantage for her first battle was certainly an added bonus. For Jazmine, she wasn't too bothered about how victory came to her so long as she won. Cherri's Haeta was bombarded with the attack, the rage this Pokémon possesses only proven to get more intense from being on the receiving end of pain.

"u-uh- Haeta, use growl... please!"

Cherri tried to ask his Pokémon to growl, but instead it rushed in with tackle, missing due to getting blasted by the Aqua Jet, which it blames on Cherri, growling at him instead of Moistier.


This visibly upset Cherri, his first Pokémon to call his own in the journey... and it hates him...Cherri tried to yell another command, but it was for nothing as the hard headed hate fuelled bull turned on Cherri and tried using ember on Cherri instead. If it doesn't calm down and listen to Cherri then... neither will probably get very far in this journey. Jazmine felt maybe a little sad about the predicament....but at the same time she wanted to actually win so she wasn't going to throw just cause his Pokémon is a professional hater. She orders her Pokémon to use Aqua Jet again, Moistier being ever unrelenting as it went for yet another Aqua Jet, practically bouncing around their makeshift battle area to strike Haeta once more.

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