Chapter 11: Tonitrophobia

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The sun slowly makes its descent on the horizon as the skies get painted in dark hues and warm embrace of the sun slowly leaves, only the region's natural humid air keeping any substantial amount of heat left. A mark of the beginning of the end, but also the sign of the end of an old beginning. Abaeze, Jazmine, Cherri, they all went their separate ways after coming together to face a terrifying opponent that was Esuri. They all had their own agendas, none wanting to try and railroad another.

The stillness of the air was interrupted by sounds of an adolescent commanding his Pokémon. In the empty cracked plains not too far from the dirt path Abaeze was training his Pokémon. The Dwebble he had caught back in the ruins he and Cherri explored hadn't had much time to let loose, so it was granted a chance to show itself in a stand off against his Kingbir. He was instructing his Pokémon quite skilfully, very stalwart and cool headed when making orders for his Pokémon to excellently perform. After a couple rounds he called it off, the two Pokémon coming to his side, chipper after the experience despite a couple of injuries from the rough housing.

"It was good to be able to get some experience wasn't it? I'm glad you two enjoyed it so much."

He opened his bag up and pulled out a pair of potions, kneeling down and using one on each of his Pokémon. Their wounds quickly began to heal thanks to the medicine, the Pokémon crying out in glee before their trainer returned them to their Pokéballs. He stood back up again and put his bag back over his back, it felt like a good time to head towards the next town now. Jaz had already gotten a head start on him, he needed to beat the Gym soon if he didn't want to lag behind. Thankfully though, he didn't have to waste time going by foot.


The roar of a somewhat functioning engine ripped through the silence of the twilight as Abaeze readied himself. Jaz was kind enough to give one of the motorbikes "gifted" to her to him. It still had Team Nerve all over it, but with the darkness of the night and a bit of luck maybe he can find somewhere to get it changed less anyone gets the wrong idea. Kicking it into high gear he zoomed off towards Benti Town, housing the location of the next Gym.

The difference between walking and riding this contraption of steel was not to be underestimated, Abaeze could feel the air brush into his face with great force as he drove across the path at high speeds towards his destination. He was a lone traveller once again, a reminder of what he had gotten himself into emblazoned upon the very vehicle he was riding upon. It was to his benefit at least that he would not have to dwell on anything for too long, as town quickly began to appear in the horizon, the small hue of nightlights being on coming into view. Once within a close proximity of the town Abaeze halted his movement and set down his motorbike somewhere safe. Then again, people would probably be unlikely to steal something they thought was Team Nerve property.

This Town was probably a little smaller than Bananda by first glance, but definitely larger than Lagso by a wide margin. He ventured onwards towards a safe haven that emitted a feint glow that cut through the increasing darkness of the setting sky. A Pokémon Centre. As he stepped inside a small gush of cool air passed around his body as he opened the doors, the feelings of a Pokémon Centre were distinctly different late in the day as opposed to earlier times. He approached the front desk where the nurse was still present despite the hour of the day to heal any trainers team should they need it.

"Welcome to the Pokémon Centre, may I help rest your Pokémon?"

"Yes please, thank you."

Abaeze presented his Pokéballs to the nurse as she took them to fully heal his team back into fighting form. In only a matter of seconds they were completely rested and she returned them back to Abaeze. As she did it was almost like a revelation entered her brain, a metaphorical exclamation mark sprouting above her head as she realised who Abaeze was.

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