Design, Geography and History

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The name of the region is Ijowa, inspired by the real-world African country Nigeria. Most of the cities in Ijowa are named after fruits or places found in Nigeria rather than colours or plants like Kanto and Johto. The adjectival form is Ijowan. Located very far south of the likes of Galar, Kalos and Paldea, Ijowa exists on a continent collectively known as the "Frico Nation". This land is known for its extreme heat, diverse culture and a bounty of natural resources and treasures.

At some unknown point during Ijowa's earliest years, a mysterious power was found in the earth of the region which amplified the effects of vegetation planted or infrastructure built upon it. This in turn, applied to both the Pokémon and the people who had lived here, over time generally proving to be healthier and stronger than surrounding regions or the rest of the world as a whole. Although some regions attempted to acquire this power for themselves, most were unsuccessful as the region was protected by the Legendary Pokémon of Chaos and Command. Although in modern times, influences from both the Kalos Region and Galar Region can be seen here.

The region is divided into 4 primary provinces, further subdivided into smaller regions.

Gold Province

At the region's centre lies the Gold Province

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At the region's centre lies the Gold Province. Having the most amount of grassland and water sources this area was able to flourish and become the heart of the region. Present are two towns and Ijowa's largest city. To the city's northeast there is a large cave, and around it has a river leading towards the city entrance. To the northeast of the province there is an airport and ferry near the large body of water which expands to the region's oceans.

Sapphire Province

Taking up the upper left area of the region is the Sapphire province

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Taking up the upper left area of the region is the Sapphire province. This predominantly houses the resource production of the region and a backbone of Ijowa's prosperity. Within it are two major cities, each adjacent to a large terrain of snow and desert respectively deemed too dangerous for most to approach. Both are intersected by a stroke of grass formed by a lake formation which separates them.

Onyx Province

Onyx Province

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