1 ~ Before

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It was just a normal Thursday. In fact, nobody thought anything weird about it. The sun was shining, people were socializing, all the normal things they would do. 

The same applied for Dean Winchester. He was 23 years old and lived in a small house with his younger brother, Sam, who was 19 years old. He drove his dad's 1967 Chevy Impala (which he loved). His life was no different. It was June 21st, 2001. Dean got woken up by Sam, who was cooking pancakes. 


After getting ready, Dean drove over to a small shop about 15 minutes away from his house to pick up pie and some other groceries. Just a normal day.


The afternoon was coming to an end. Sam and Dean both wanted an easy night, so they decided to make packaged ramen for dinner and then sat down to watch TV. Again, it was just a normal day.


It was officially night time. The sky was dark and if you looked close enough, you could see the beautiful stars. Sam brought up the idea of going to look at the stars, but Dean declined the offer, as he wanted to finish the movie they were watching. 

It was all going normal, until the TV went all black. About 5 seconds later, an annoying buzzing alarm came from the TV, followed by the words 'EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM' plastered across the screen.

"This is not a test, the United States Government has issued an official warning for a life threatening disease. There is no known name for the disease. However, there are ways to stay safe. 1- Do not leave your house. Lock all doors and windows. 2- If anyone knocks on your door, no not respond as the person may be infected. 3- Do not invite anyone over to your house as anyone could be infected. Symptoms of this disease will be listed. Slurred speech, broken movements, short temper, random acts of violence, or a purple spot usually located on the arm. The CDC is currently looking into this disease. Do not turn off your TVs as there may be updates."

Dean immediately turned off the TV in total shock. He looked over to Sam, "So, how ya feeling?" he asked. Sam replied with a simple "Fine."

Outside, the boys could hear screaming and panic. Everyone was acting like it was the end of the world. It was.

Friday, 1:09am

Neither of the boys could sleep - it was just simply too loud. This is when Dean made one of the hardest decisions of his life; he wanted to get out so bad. Sam felt the same, so they did it. They both packed up their most important things, which consisted of all the basic things one would need for traveling on the road, which included a picture of them and their parents from when they were younger. That picture was very special to them, as their mom died in a house fire after Sam was born, and their dad died in a car crash. They also grabbed some weapons, such as 2 guns, a saw, and some other stuff they had for mechanical things. 

After packing, they went out to the impala and drove away.

The road was hard to get around, there were dead bodies laying there, cars on fire, and so much more. Dean was not a careful driver, which Sam usually told him. That resulted in them feeling the car running over those dead bodies, which was not a nice feeling. 

They kept driving, knowing they wouldn't turn back. 

They had to drive into town, which was the only way out. When they got to the main road, it looked like hell. 

Buildings were on fire, people were dying, and if they weren't dying they were undead corpses. "What the hell is this?" Dean asked, hoping that Sam would have some mind-blowing answer. Instead, Sam just said "This, this is hell on earth." He didn't actually know, but it soon would come to their realization that it was only the beginning.

As they were driving, something jumped on the windshield. It seemed like a human, but it was so... unhuman. Its skin was blue and wrinkly, and the eyes were sunken into the head. The clothes it was wearing were torn and dirty, almost as if it had rolled in sticks and mud. The boys felt sympathy for the thing. They didn't know for sure, but they had an idea of what it was. Dean turned on the windshield wipers to get the body off, as it was blocking their view of the road. 

After the incident, they drove as fast as they could out of that city, without saying a single word.


Sam was asleep in the passenger side, which made Dean glad that his brother was able to get some sleep. At this point, they were already out of the town, and driving down an empty road with tall green trees on the side. It was still dark out, with the sun only starting to rise. It was calm. Almost, too calm. 

For Dean, it was hard to process what had just gone down; the whole world had just come crumbling down right in front of his eyes. He reached back into the seat behind him for some chips to keep him awake. He knew he couldn't just stop there. So he turned on some music to lighten the mood.

About 10 minutes later, Sam woke up. "Rise and shine Sammy!" Dean said in a exited tone. Sam was barely awake then, but the music definitely woke him up. "Dude, what time is it?" Sam asked. "Uhhhhh" Dean paused to check the time, until he realized he had no way to see the time, "No idea, no watch" He said, gesturing to his watch-less wrist. Sam rolled his eyes, and a question came into his head, "What were those... things back there? They seemed like-" Sam was about to finish his sentence, until Dean cut him off by confidently saying, "Some zombie crap probably, I mean, what else could it be? Ya know, there was a whole alert on the TV about some infectious disease, remember?" This made Sam feel kind of stupid. Why hadn't he thought of that? It made total sense.


The ride was smooth, the boys passed by the time by talking to each other about random stuff. It was a bright Friday morning when they decided to stop for gas. After all, they had been driving for hours. 

They stopped at a random gas station in the middle of a small town in Arizona. The place seemed safe - there were no signs of damage or these so-called 'zombies'. While Dean was watching the car, Sam decided to go into the shop to buy some snacks for the road. When the car was filled up, Dean went into the shop as well, not expecting what would come next.


Ok ik this is rlly bad but i promise it gets better!! Also feel free to leave any criticism in the comments bc it helps me make newer chapters better! Soooo ya idk what else to put here so have a good day! ty for choosing my fic! btw cas comes in the next chapter  :)

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