4 ~ The dream

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Night time

Dean was in the farmhouse from earlier - with Cas. It felt as if the outside world had disappeared and it was just the two of them. 

They felt so at peace, so comfortable in each other's presence that nothing else seemed to matter. The fact that it was all a dream felt like an afterthought, their feelings so overwhelming that they only wanted to stay within it forever. 

The darkness of the room faded away, giving way to endless light. They were surrounded by beauty and peace, so much so that they never wanted it to end. 

Dean's heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest as he gazed at Cas, feeling an intense attraction that he couldn't fight back against. It was strange how suddenly everything felt right, like they had been meant for each other all along, even though Dean had only met him that same day.

 His eyes were drawn to Castiel's lips, the feeling of wanting to kiss him growing more and more with each passing second. It was just a dream, but it felt so real. It felt so right. 

Dean wanted to kiss Cas so bad, it hurt.

So, he did it. 

He had made his move, euphoria spread across Dean's body as he placed his hand on the side of Castiel's face, pulling him closer. Cas kissed Dean back, putting his arms around Dean's neck. 

The kiss started out with a slow, tender touch but soon grew into a passionate embrace, their bodies pressed tightly together as their hearts raced. The intensity of the moment grew more and more, the heat between the two skyrocketing to an almost unbearable level.

"Hey Dean wake up it's time for dinner" Dean jolted awake to see Sam sitting beside him. "W-was I asleep?" Dean asked wearily. Sam looked confused by this question, "Yeah? Why did you have a bad dream?" He inquired.

 Dean paused - realization of what he was dreaming about spread across his body. 

"No, no I'm fine. What time is it?" Dean asked, hoping to change the subject.

The sudden request of the time made Sam feel something was off, but he brushed it off as some weird dream about an ex-girlfriend or something. "6:00, dinners ready." Sam replied.


hi im srry this is short im dying (not literally) of covid rn :p

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