6 ~ Secrets

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The weather was warm and humid, stars filled the navy blue sky.

Dean heard footsteps behind him. "Sammy I don't want to talk about it right now, just go back." He said, not knowing who was really behind him. 
"I'm not Sam, whats wrong?" Cas asked. Dean's face immediately flushed red. He turned around to see the brunette just standing there, giving Dean that feeling in his stomach again.

"Cas? What are you doing?" Dean said. He tried to play it cool, after all, it was already embarrassing enough that he had feelings for someone he just met. 

"Let's just go inside, we can talk about it there." Cas answered. "Ok." Dean shrugged, still trying to play it cool. The two navigated their way back to the shelter, with the help of the bright stars to guide them through the night.  

It was about half way through the walk back to the shelter, when Cas stopped. Dean took note of this and stopped too, curiosity filling his mind as to why he stopped. "Why did you stop?" He asked. Cas just sat down, with this he said, "Look at the sky". Dean had noticed it, but never took time to think about it. The stars were truly impeccable. Dean sat down beside Cas, and would glance away from the stars from time to time. Dean's attempt at pushing aside his feelings to admire the stars, but instead took more time admiring the brunette beside him. Cas was totally oblivious to this, and kept his eyes fixated on the sky. 

"Why did you follow me?" Dean asked, looking over to Cas. "I don't know. I mean, I know I met you today, but the way you acted back there made me feel like I did something wrong. Did I?" He looked over to Dean, who froze at the question. 

"No, you didn't. I'm gonna go for a drive." Dean said. 

"Ok. I'll go with you." 


Dean walked back to the shelter to grab the keys for the impala, Cas following close behind him. 

"Where are we going?" Cas asked, just standing there, waiting. 

"Anywhere. Let's go." Dean answered simply, walking out of the shelter without further explanation. Cas didn't know why Dean was being so simple and vague, but he ended up letting go of it and followed Dean out of the shelter. 

After they had both arrived at the impala, Dean unlocked the doors and they both got inside. Dean kept the reason for wanting to go on the drive to himself, leaving Cas feeling very curious. As they sat in the car together, both of them felt the tension between them growing. Dean was seemingly not going to address this any time soon, but Cas felt the need to understand why he was acting so secretive. The two sat together in an uncomfortable silence, Cas finally breaking the tension by speaking up. "Can you tell me why you're being so secretive? We're both aware that there's something going on, but it feels like you don't want to talk about it."

"It's complicated." Dean muttered, his face turning a bright red. 

"Secrets?" Cas glanced out the window, in hopes his question wouldn't get taken the wrong way.

"No- yes. I don't know." 

 "It's ok to not know, you can tell me." Cas tried to be nice and comforting, but wasn't expecting the answer he would get back.

"No, I can't tell you." Dean knew he was making it obvious, but didn't care anymore. 

"Oh." Cas tried to act like he didn't care, but deep down, he truly did. 

The drive back was silent. 

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