8 ~ Midnight

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When Dean and Cas got back from the drive, the dining room was empty, and everyone else was either asleep or doing something in their rooms.

Dean went straight to his room. He didn't know how to feel or react to the conversation in the car. He hated himself for being so obvious about his feelings. Cas, on the other hand didn't know how to feel, and went to read a book.

"Where were you?" Dean looked up to see Sam laying on the top bunk. "Out." Dean said as he laid down on his bed and went to sleep.

Saturday, 12:15am

Dean woke up with a need for a glass of water. He got out of bed and checked the time on the clock in the main room of the shelter.


"You've got to be kidding me."

He trudged over to the farmhouse to get the water, since the water from the sink in the shelter tasted like there were dead bodies in the pipes.

When he got to the farmhouse, he wasn't really sure if the water would be any better there than it was back at the shelter. When he got to the kitchen, the sink was still full of dishes from the dinner, but he still couldn't help but hold out hope that it would be an improvement.

He was about to turn on the sink to fill up his cup, but then realized he didn't even have one. There were cabinets which hung over the lower parts of the kitchen, such as the sink and the stove.
"Great." Dean started going through the cabinets, hoping to get lucky and find the one with the glass cups that they had at dinner earlier.

"Third one to the left."

"What the- oh, hey Cas."

Cas was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, wearing a plain grey shirt and black sweatpants. Dean took sight of this, and wanted so desperately to look away, but just simply couldn't. "I- thanks."

Cas shrugged his shoulders as he moved towards the kitchen counter, noticing Dean looking at him. When he caught Dean's gaze, he found himself feeling a little anxious, feeling like something was about to happen.

"Hi." Dean's tone was casual, but there was something about it that felt off. He thought surely Dean would say more, maybe make a joke or ask him what he was doing wearing those clothes, but he just wouldn't look away.

Cas found himself wondering what was going through Dean's head. He couldn't help but feel like he was in some kind of stand off, and it was making his anxiety grow.

Both of them weren't exactly sure how long this standoff would last, but their patience seemed to be growing thin. Cas thought about breaking the silence, but he had no idea what to say. So he kept quiet, quietly waiting for Dean to make a move.

Cas finally decided he had had enough of this quiet standoff, and he figured he might as well make the first move. He took a breath and spoke up, his voice firm yet casual.

"So, what's going on? Why are you here?"

"I just came out for water, how 'bout you?"

Cas paused, what was he doing there?

"I don't know, to be honest. I sort of just walked out here on impulse, I guess. I wasn't really thinking about it."

Dean shrugged, and went to grab his water. He was about to fill up the cup, but a question came into his head.

"Uh, Cas, can I ask you something?"

Castiel looked up at Dean, feeling nervous, but wanting to hear what he had to ask.

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