2 ~ The group

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A group of people were standing in the checkout area. Right by a dead zombie. Sam was with the group, talking to them, while Dean was in utter shock.

 "Sammy who are these people?" He asked. No response. 

This made Dean walk up to the group and ask what was going on. Sam noticed him this time, and told the group to introduce themselves. The group had 2 men and 2 women in it. One of the men replied by saying "Were the ones who saved your brothers life. My names Bobby by the way. " Dean was in disbelief. He wanted nothing to do with this group. They just seemed off to him.

 "Alright, Sam lets get out of here." Dean said. "No." Sam replied. Shock came over Dean's body at that response. How could Sam say 'no'? "I want to stay with the group - they're nice people." Sam added. This was totally stupid to Dean. However, he didn't want any trouble with this group so he walked to the door. 

He was about to leave, until he felt a hand on his arm pulling him back. Dean looked over his shoulder to see Sam, who now loosely had his hand placed on Dean's wrist. "Just give them a chance." Sam asked. He seemed really serious about this group, even though he met them 10 minutes ago. "Guys, this is my brother, Dean. I guess you should introduce yourselves." Sam said, looking towards the group. They stayed silent, waiting for someone else to say something. 

A few seconds went by and one of them broke the silence by saying, "Uhhhh, we've already met, sort of, but I'm Bobby Singer." He was the oldest in the group. After that, a woman with mid length dirty blond hair introduced herself as Ellen Harvelle. She even had a daughter, Jo, who was probably about 16, and was the other girl in the group. After their introductions, another man spoke, "Hi, uhh my names Castiel Novak but everyone calls me Cas." For some reason, he stood out to Dean. He had no idea why, but he just did. Dean just brushed it off though. 

He waited for someone else to say something, but the room was silent. Sam decided to end the awkward moment of silence by asking "So, Dean do you want to stay with the group? They could help us you know." Dean didn't know what really to say, but he thought back on what Bobby said about saving Sam's life. He loved Sam, after all it would be good to stay with a group during all this crazy crap that was going on. He decided to take up the offer. "Fine, I guess they could help." And just like that, they had a group. The group seemed happy at Dean taking up the offer, which gave him a welcoming feeling. 

Friday, 8:19am

After everyone got to know each other, they decided to leave the gas station with all the food they could get. 

Once they were outside, they all just stood there, waiting for someone else to say something. The group started whispering about something, and Dean could only make out the words, "Just do it!" and "There isn't enough space in Bobby's car". This went on until Cas spoke up and said, "So do you guys have room for one more person? They say they don't have enough space for one extra person because of all the extra food." Sam replied saying "Of course, I guess we can just follow the rest of the group, what do you think Dean?" He didn't even hesitate to say that it was fine. After all, the group saved him and Sam. Plus, it wouldn't hurt for one more person in the car.

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