9 ~ Escape route

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Saturday - 9:00am

Cas woke up in Dean's arms. His warm embrace gave Cas a sense of safety and tranquility. 

Morning had come, the sun was shining and birds were chirping. The light coming through the curtains was soft and warm. It was a beautiful morning, and all was right in the world.

As they layed there together, Cas knew that they would face whatever the day held for them. They had each other now, and that was enough.

"Morning." Dean mumbled sleepily, his face buried in Castiel's shoulder.

"Morning," Cas replied softly, his voice still foggy as he woke up.

"You okay?" Dean asked, his voice now clearer as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You sleep well?" Cas smiled, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light filtering in through the curtains.

"Yeah, I slept great."

"Me too." Dean's arm tightened around Castiel's body, pulling him even closer.

"I love when you hold me." Cas mumbled softly.

"I don't have to let go, do I," Dean asked, smiling softly. "can I just stay like this?"

After both of them had woken their bodies enough to be able to sit up, Dean slowly rolled off the bed. Cas immediately reached out and grabbed Dean's hand, pulling him back towards him and pulling him into a tight embrace.

"You're not leaving yet, are you?" Cas asked, his voice sounding a little drowsy still.

Dean laughed softly and wrapped his arms around Castiel's body even tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere without you. Come on."

As they slowly made their way down the stairs, Cas finally looked up at Dean, their eyes meeting briefly as Dean gave him a playful smile. They both could feel the warmth of this morning's intimacy still clinging onto them, making it feel like they were in their own private bubble of happiness.

"Dean, what do you think you're doing?" Sam was standing right there. Dean's face flushed red. He looked over to Cas, who was also trying to hide his embarrassment. 

"I was... I wasn't... um, just talking to Cas here, that's all." Dean smiled awkwardly at Cas, which only made him feel like he had been caught doing something really wrong.

"Yeah, right." Sam smiled sarcastically, leaning back against the counter. "What are you guys doing? Not to mention you guys came down here together."

"I... I was just saying good morning to Cas." Dean tried to explain, a nervous smile on his face.

"You say that, but you guys were looking pretty affectionate before I walked in here." Sam smirked. "I mean, you two. Together. Damn, you met yesterday."

"Shut up, it's not like that!" Dean quickly defended himself, his face turning red and his voice rising slightly.

"Oh really?" Sam snickered.

"We were just..." Dean was still struggling to explain, but the more he talked, the more caught up he sounded. "We were just... um... it wasn't like that, you know? We..."

Sam just smirked again, leaning back against the counter. Cas just stood there, unsure of what to say or do.

Sam couldn't help but crack up laughing at Dean's flustered efforts to defend himself and Castiel. He knew it was just playful flirtation, but it was too fun to watch Dean stammer out his words, and his efforts to not sound like a total idiot.

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