3 ~ The hideout

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They had been driving for a while now, and they had no damn idea where they were going. They were just following the rest of the group. In the car, they had made small talk. Dean found out that this disease had actually been a thing for a few weeks, but only made it's outbreak the day before. Also, the group had planned ahead - they had a whole hide-out, but Cas didn't say where for some reason. 

The drive had been smooth, until the car the rest of the group was in took a turn into a driveway in the forest. 

They had turned into an old farm. It seemed abandoned, probably for sometime around 30 years. It was a stereotypical farm. It had red walls, and an old white fence. "Really? Is this the totally awesome, safe hideout you were talking about?" Dean asked. At this point, they were with the group, who rolled their eyes at the question. "You'll see." Bobby responded, giving Dean a slight side eye. Sam and Dean then followed the group to the entrance to the tall red building. 

Once they got in, Cas opened a trap door which was under the hay, and gestured for the others to get in. The boys were surprised at this and looked at each other for a moment, before they went in. 

They climbed down a ladder into a dark room. They had no idea what the hell it was, or what they used it for.

 "Why the hell are we down here in this dark sketchy room? Is this a secret way to kill us?" Dean demanded, while turning a lighter to see. 

They were in a bomb shelter, a really nice one. 

There were 4 rooms, apart from the entrance. After looking around a bit, he found a light switch and pulled it down. He gestured for the group to answer. "We're trying to help you. This is the hide out." Cas replied. Dean felt embarrassed at the fact he had thought so wrong. "Sorry" He said. "It's fine. I'll show you two around" Said Cas. Sam and Dean agreed and followed him upstairs. 

He showed them around the farm first. It was mainly old stables that were probably used for horses, and other stuff like that. 

Then, they went outside and over to this old farm house. It was an old but beautiful white building with 2 floors. 

The front porch looked straight out of a movie and had 2 rocking chairs placed on each side of the door. Cas showed them inside, and it was pretty well kept for an old house. 

They walked into a large living room with a couch, a fireplace and a beautiful piano. 

"If you don't mind me asking - where is the bathroom?" Asked Sam. "Take a left then you will find the stairs, go up and then go down the hallway it's the first door on the right." Cas replied. Sam left to go upstairs. 

"Do you want me to play you something?" Cas asked while looking at the piano. Dean nodded, "Sure, what can you play?" he asked. Cas sat down on the piano stool, and gestured for Dean to sit down next to him. Dean sat down without hesitation.

Cas asked if Dean knew Clair de lune, as it was his favorite piece to play. Dean nodded. Cas started to play, the moment was peaceful, and Dean was totally lost in the moment. The song was beautiful, angelic almost. He looked over to Cas, who was lost in the music, which made Dean smile a bit. Minutes had passed by, and the song was over.

 "Sorry if it wasn't that good, I haven't played piano in a little while." Cas softly spoke. His tone gave Dean butterflies in his stomach and made him lightly blush. Cas caught this, "Whats wrong?" He inquired. Cas turned to look at Dean, and they locked eyes. 

Dean could feel himself burn up. 'What is wrong with me?' He thought. He only had known Cas for a day, how could he be in love with him already? The moment didn't feel like long. Before they knew it, Sam came back down from the bathroom and they finished looking through the farm house. 

The boys got back to the shelter, meeting up with the rest of the group. Dean was still flustered by the weird moment between him and Cas, he tried to forget it but he just couldn't.

 "Where will me and Dean sleep?" Sam asked. 

"Here" Jo showed them to one of the rooms, it had 2 bunk beds on each side. They looked just like one would expect in a bomb shelter. "I call top bunk!" Sam joked with a smile. Dean smiled at this, and laid down to take a nap. 

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