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Mermaids. That used to be a fictional word. At least, it used to be until some events happened.

She was a mermaid.

Lynne is your regular character. She can fry eggs, make cup ramen and procrastinate her homework. But there is something different about her... and it's weird.

She was turning twelve that day. Maybe 12 was a lucky number.

When she gets taken to the mermaid world, Aperanta, she realized that the mermaid world was corrupted and wicked. She and her new-found friends attempt to start an uprising by hiding in the shadows and doing mini stunts to quietly defy the government.

It all started with a cup of coffee.



Intro done by Willowtri.

This story will be done in different point of views (POVs). The POVs will switch very frequently. We apologize for any confusion. Also: have in mind, this book is in editing and there WILL be spelling errors and such.

Happy reading :)

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