Daphne W.

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I let my head fall down on the table with a thud. "It's on the news again."

"I know, it was on Flashi2." Willow agreed.

"Where on Earth would you get that?" I choked. The only way to get that is from land.

Let me explain: A Flashi2 was like the iPhone here, the only source of technology. I think anyone could understand why it's popular. However, it was only sold on land and some (rich) people buy them and sell them here but it is very expensive. So the only way to get them without going broke is to get it on land.

"I went to a store up there, bought one, you know that stuff," Willow avoided my question.

"You stole it didn't you?" I pointed at her, wagging back and forth in front of her face.

"No, dad did," she promised. "It was on sale, I think."

"A Flashi2? Those are expensive and not worth the buy, he wouldn't do that." I scoffed. I knew our dad, he would never do that unless he thought that it was absolutely worth it... and in his eyes technology was not worth his money.

"No, he bought it for me, I him it was unbearable without technology, so he bought me the latest model of waterproof technology," Willow sipped her drink.

My jaw dropped. "No fair, I want one too!"

Willow waved the glowing device in front of my face. "Hahaha. It's all mine."

The Flashi2 looks like an ordinary tablet with a glossy silver case. What made it special was that it came with mini chips that could track people, call people (like a walkie-talkie), and talk to you. I love it so much.

"At least give me a chip," I begged.

"Fine, a chip," Willow tossed me one. "Now let's get back to the subject. Krystal was on the news again."

"Can I call her Kalissa again? It's weird, calling her Krystal." I made a face.

"No, it's not the way things go here." Willow shaked her head.

"Uh, think about it. Those customs cost us so much. We deserve to do it," I grinned softly.

"Yeah, I think so too," Willow smiled."But it's not right."

I groaned, throwing my head back dramatically.

"So, about the news.." Willow said.

"What about it? Extra info we don't know on there?" I perked up.

"She's making a live interview today in the palace courtyard, and we get to see it," Willow's smile brightened.

"What can we do there?"

"We do one of two plans; we capture Krystal back or we sneak into the palace." Willow said.

I sighed. "I never knew you had it in you to make such a move."

"We've already done so much. Why stop now?" Willow said. She meant the Exte plan, the one that successfully made her a halfling instead of only a mermaid or only a human.

"As usual, we plan at Seabucks," I grinned.

"I'm not paying," Willow called.


"Jeanie, am I pretty?" I ask my computer chip. The chip, which I named Jeanie, is like Siri... but better.

A beep goes off. "You are very beautiful, Daphne,"

"Aww, thanks Jeanie," I sighed. "At least you appreciate me."

Coco laughed. "Daphne, you're talking to a computer chip. If you haven't realized, we're here for a reason other than talking to a chip."

I narrowed my eyes. "Whoa whoa whoa, this is a person! Jeanie is an amazing computer chip, and I promise you're gonna be jealous once you see what she can do."

Coco crossed her arms, eyeing my precious chip. "Show me than."

"Oh Coco, you disappoint me." Jeanie's voice said.

Coco's eyes widened. "How do you know my name?"

"Let that remain a mystery, Coco Pebbles." Jeanie said. Her voice is always monotone, but she is programmed with billions of responses and is basically a supercomputer.

Coco immediately gave up her argument and turns to me. "Can I have one too?"

I smirked, "Nope, Willow has the rest, and I told you you'd be jealous."

So Coco turned to Willow to try to beg for a chip.

But Willow was gone.

edited on 11/26/15

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