Lynne Lo

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We got in the water. She mumbled something to herself and before I could blink, her legs became a tail. Willow had a misty and hazy rainbow tail, so at the fin part it's purple and then slowly goes up to red.

I hesitated. "Um, what do I do?"

Willow quickly taught me the spell. I said it, but nothing happened. I couldn't feel any sensation or anything. Was my birthday just a fluke? Was it only a one-time thing?

"Willow.." I said, concerned. "It's not working.."

Willow just laughed. "Look at your legs."

I did as she told me. Through the murky water, I saw my legs start to meld together and become a tail. My legs stretched out a foot longer and my skin started to join my two legs together. As more and more skin joined the process, it looked like I had one giant leg with two feet at the end. It was quite gross to watch, but I was fascinated at the same time. Then a weird feeling came over me. My foot and leg bones started to change. They became softer and more flexible. My feet began to stretch out as well, flattening and forming like a monofin. My skin started to burn as scales formed. In the end, I had a tangerine orange tail.

"I like your tail," Willow said. She had admiration in her voice for some reason. "By the way, as you shift more, it will take less time and be less painful."

I coughed. "Thanks. I guess. I like your tail as well."

"Thanks," she replied. "Do you know how to use your tail?"

"Y-Yeah, kind of," I said. "But I'm a bit slow."

Willow nodded. "That's to be expected."

We took off, her leading me. My eyes burned in the salty water, but Willow seemed to be fine. My lungs felt like they were on fire. 

Willow seemed to notice my struggle to breathe. "It's okay. Taking in dissolved oxygen is hard to get used to."

I nodded helplessly. Willow held my hand, pushing me along. 

"So, are you gonna use the generic password, or your own?" She asked. She was talking about the Great Divide. The Great Divide was the magical barrier between the outside world and the mermaid world. This gate-way only opens up when you use a correct password.

"Generic." I replied. I've thought about this. The generic password is 'sea shell, under the sea, where Aperanta is'.

"Well, I use my own." She said hastily. This was where it went complicated. To get your own, personalized password for the Great Divide, you needed to send in a form to the government to approve, and that could take months.

Her eyes... changed colors. I swore that they were brown before. Now they are green...wait! They changed again! The change between colors was disturbing and strange. 

"What the.." I mumbled.

She turned her creepy eyes to me. "What?"

"Your eyes.." I shivered. I avoided her eye contact like it was the flu.

She looked down. "I'm different, okay? Sorry if it bothers you. I can't help it. It changes with my mood."

I laughed nervously. "It doesn't bother me."

"Now say the password," she ordered harshly. We had made it to the Great Divide.

"Sea shell, by the sea, where Aperanta is?" I said hesitantly.

If the Great Divide was a curtain, it opened up and showed me... Aperanta. There was merpeople swimming everywhere in the distance. There was a cute little path leading to the town.

"I know, it's great." Willow chuckled, watching me admire the city. "But you need to come in before the Divide closes on you!"

I blushed. "Oh, right." I swam through where the invisible wall used to be.

We swam, following the path carefully. As we got closer and closer, the town became clearer and clearer. I got nervous. What would happen when we get there?

We swam to what looked like an apartment. It was about three stories high, with windows and a front door. There was no real difference between a land apartment and an Aperantian one, besides the obvious fact that this one was underwater.

"Okay, so where are we?" I asked.

"Your mom's apartment," Willow said. "Your mom is waiting for you."

I was told she was here, but I didn't expect to see her so soon.

"O- Okay." I stammered. It was time to meet my mother. My mother, who left the family with no regrets.


We rung the buzzer.


Willow opened the door and we swum in. The water felt colder, and I shivered. A crazed mermaid, er, more like merwoman, rushed towards me. 

"Lynne? Is that you?" Her voice sounded different. This couldn't be her. She grabbed my shoulders. "Lynne, it's mom!"

My eyes widened as I saw the necklace she's wearing: the fake diamond leaf one that I bought her on Christmas.

"Mom.." I couldn't breathe. This can't be real. This can't be my mom.

Willow swum back respectfully. 

It turned out Mom was actually pretty nice once you took the time to get to know her. She had a glowing orange-red tail, and a muscular body. She had my hair color, and paler skin than me. Her chestnut eyes resemble mine. But I was not ready to move in with her.

I pushed away from my mother, toward Willow. "Excuse me."

My mother looked hurt, but she nodded in understanding.

"Willow," I hissed. "Can I stay with you instead?"

Her now blue eyes widened. "Er, sure!" Willow flashed an apologetic glance towards my mother.

I sighed, relieved. I had a place to stay, even if it'll be awkward.

Willow cut in with the bad news. "-But, only for two days. My house is small, and my mom wouldn't allow longer."

I sighed again, disappointed. Now I only had two days to figure something out. What could I do besides accept the situation?

"Give me your stuff. I'll drop them off at my place." She pushed me closer to the person who's supposed to be my mom. "But for now, bond with your mom!" She smiled innocently.

"What? No-" I tried swimming after her.

"Bye!" Then Willow Trie left me. I was alone with my mother.


Next chapter, coming right up!

edited on Nov 18, 2015 and March 12, 2017

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