Adrie Chase

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I sighed, slumping around the school, nowhere to go or to be. Sixth grade orientation was boring. I couldn't wait to get home and live out my last days of summer.

"Here, practice your locker," Mom said, pointing at the distasteful box. "Do it, Adrie."

I leaned on the locker and bend down. 8.. 18... 32.. and tada, the locker is open!

"Good, now close it and do it again." Mom ordered.

I sighed and do it again... 8.. 18.. 32. 

"Now lets go home," I whined. "Please."

"You have your schedule and agenda and stuff right?" Mom put away her phone in her bag.

"Yeah," I mused. "To the car, now."

Mom started walking.

My eyes lit up as I thought of something. "Oh, by the way, what's for lunch?"

"Didn't think of it yet," she mused.

"Could it be ramen?" My eyes begged her.

"No." She sternly disagreed. 

"Okay," I sighed. That was that. It was worth a try.


"You're gonna be late! RUN!" my mom shouted. I nodded. My shoes were barely on and the hot air seemed to hate me. I hiked through my favorite short-cut through the grass. Thankfully it wasn't wet.

My legs slowed down. I was almost there. My breathing just quickened. I slowed to a walking pace. This was it. I fixed some of my hair and acted as cool as I could. 

The other kids seemed just as shy. Everyone looked in a different direction, except a pair of girls who looked like seventh graders. Lucky them.

A few minutes of thinking vigorously later, the bus pulled up. I got on the bus and examined the interior. It looked small and cramped, with only five or six hundred people inside. I face-palmed internally. Of course my stop was the last stop.

With a quick look, the only good seat was with a shy girl in the front.

"Can I sit here?" I said softly.

She nodded and slid away, giving me room on the outside.

"Are you a sixth grader?" I asked the girl. This girl was very pretty. Her chocolate hair was frizzy, but the humid weather should do that to anybody. She looked like she just came out of a tornado, with her hair in a bun and her shoes half way on.

She froze a little. She took in a sharp breath and replied. "Yes. Are you a sixth grader?"

I shrugged. "Yeah." 

"Okay." She exhaled a little. Her eyes looked outside the window. I didn't know what to do. 

"What's your name?" I said.

She whispered something.

"What?" I leaned my head in to try to get the name.

"Lynne," she said more clearly. 

"Lynne?" I tried the name out.

"Yup, Lynne," she said. "What's your name?"

"I'm Adrie," I informed her, since she clearly only spoke when I spoke.

"Hi, Ad-rie," she smiled gently. 

"So, what class are you in...?" I said, taking out my schedule.

And that was how we kicked it off, Lynne and I. 


"My birthday party is tomorrow.." Lynne said. "You'll come right?'

"Of course! We went over this 70 times before. I'll come, and we'll have a great time." I reassured her. "I'll text you when I'm ready to come."

"Thanks, Adrie. Bring your swimming suit, by the way.."





I was texting Lynne but she didn't reply.

when do i com over


I sighed. My fingers itched. I was so bored. It was the morning and I already finished breakfast 

ok im just gonna com over 

I clicked off the phone and told my mom that I was heading to Lynne's. I already knew the way to her house, it was easy...

When I got to Lynne's house something strange was going on.


You should report her if you really believe it," Amber said.

Frustration bled into my voice. "To who? The principle? Besides, if I tell they might experiment on her."

"Guys. I think she actually believes that Lynne is a mermaid." Amber said to her friends.

One of her friend group stepped out of the crowd.

"Who's Lynne?" the African American girl said.

"You don't need to know." I said, turning away. 

"Lynne Lo?" she said.

"Yeah, that one," I replied quickly. "You know her?"

"Yeah. I think. How do you know her?" she said.

"She's my friend." I said.

"Some friend you are.." she retorted suddenly. She stormed away and I just sighed. Lunch time was over.

"Hi." another random girl popped her head towards me.

"Hi." I replied.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "Are you sick? You look pale and about to cry, to be honest."

"Hm. Just tired," I said. It wasn't lying, but I didn't want to tell her everything about my life.

"Oh. Me too. Can't wait for Friday, right?" she said. 

"Yup," I said. 

"And by the way, I think it's cool that you believe in mermaids." she said.

"Oh, thanks. What's your name?" I said. I readjusted my face to make it seem like I was happy.

"Aleah. Yours?"


"Ooh, I like that name."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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