Coco P.

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I can't believe this. We're actually gonna do this. Let's just hope this works though. It's gonna work, I just know it.

"Hey Willow. How is it?" I asked trying not too sound to eager.

"Ummm. Still working on it?" She said, avoiding my eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked. Willow's face told me that she wanted to tell me but she was worried about my reaction.

"Well... there's this one issue..." She trailed off.

"Willow. What's. The. Matter." I said. What if something happened again?

"Okay. An officer came passing by and told me that they moved my Exte in two more days." She brawled. WHAT! This can't be right. That would ruin everything. We needed more time. Two days couldn't be enough time to teach Krystal magic.

"Are you sure?" I asked. No, no, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening!

"Yes. Does that mean I have to choose one and you guys get to be halflings? 'Cause I understand." She sniffled.

"No. Look at me Willow. If you can't be a halfling, then were all not. We're friends. And friends stick together. Alright?" I said. She looked up at me and hugged me.

"It's going to be alright." I said. But is it?


"I knew it. See! We can never trust Coco with plans." huffed Lynne. I rolled my eyes.

"So. Whats going to happen next." Asked Krystal.

"I honestly don't know." I said. What are we going to do?

Willow stepped up. "I can make pearlpubs for us that make us immune," she said, "But I need Krystal's royal magic."

Lynne shook her head. "At least Coco didn't make that plan."

"Really? Gosh Lynne." I said, now really annoyed. It wasn't my fault this happened. Well maybe I made one rookie mistake, but I was younger. I hated that Lynne blamed everything on me. It wasn't my fault that Willow's Exte got moved to an earlier date. That was just bad luck, not me. Why couldn't Lynne get that?

"Well whenever you think of a plan, it always back-fires." Lynne said, biting her lip. She swished her hair as if that made her argument better.

"Girls, girls, girls, lets not fight. We already have a major problem. Lets not have make this worse." Krystal spoke up. "Lets try to work together. Okay?"

"Fine." I muttered.

"Whatever." muttered Lynne. It was much better when she wasn't here yet.

Krystal sighed. "Lynne, we know you almost died. That doesn't mean Coco is gonna do that again."

I put my hands on my hips. "What are you saying?"

Krystal sighed louder.

Willow said flatly, "So since my Exte is in two days" -She looked down for an instant- "We have to do something about it."

"What's your number?" I asked.

A number is the the order you get called to choose. Like, if you're number 2, you get called second.

"Twenty-Two." Willow said.

"We don't have much time then. We have to take some drastic measures."

"Like what...." Lynne narrowed her eyes at me. 

But I ignored her. Geniuses have no time for idiots.


edited on 11/22/15

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