Krystal H.

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"SHE'S A PRINCESS!" Coco's voice swam through the air. She pointed at me almost accusingly, but her eyes showed that she knows exactly how bad her action is. For the sake of the team.

The officers rolled their eyes at Coco's statement, but when they see me, with a quick examination, they tackled me.

"Hey!" I cried in defiance. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Let us escort you to the palace, my lady." one officer said.

"What- No!" -- I fought against them -- "You have no right, even if I am a princess!"

They don't even look at me anymore. They just kept swimming.

Everything can go wrong with this... yet I want to know my real family, as weird as that sounds. They can make my mother a mermaid again. They can tell me the truth about my life and stuff. They can tuck me in safely from all the worries of a regular life with Coco, Willow, Lynne, and our kind of new member, Peppermint (she joined us at school and she's 11 years old).

My biological family can't be as evil as they say they are. No one can be that evil.

"Will I be able to come back to my friends?" I tried asking. Then I realized that my own family banished me above, coldly and heartlessly. Maybe they are evil. I don't want to find out. "Let me go!"

The guard just clung to me even tighter.

"WILLOW! COCO!! LYNNE! HEELPP!" I screamed desperately. Willow was just about to come help me but, Coco stopped her and shook her head. Willow looked at me, straight in the eyes. We held the stare for a good two seconds. Then she broke the stare. 

I sighed. I let the guard put a gag over my mouth.

It's time I saw my birth parents. 


"What is your business here?" a voice came out from behind the palace wall.

"We have the third princess," one of the guards responded.

"You may enter," The voice came back, and the threshold gate opened.

The guards escorted me inside. "Look, kid, keep out of trouble. This is important stuff and this can't go wrong. Got that?"

"Yes, Mr." I replied.

"Okay, follow me." And we went to the courtyard.

"Child," a female voice whispered from behind me.

A cold shiver went through me. I didn't dare say anything.

"Who brought you here?" the voice came again. I could feel the water stirring as the female figure swam closer to me, trying to get me to look at her. But I didn't. I turned my head away and squeezed my lips together. No.

"Look at me, child," she said in a more commanding tone. "Look at your mother."

"My m-mother i-is n-n-not-" I stuttered. "M-my mom isn't-t you."

"Oh, look, you're nervous... come with me and we'll sort things out." She said this as if she never heard my previous statement.

"I.. don't want to... Could I just go home?" I whispered.

"Guards? Please take this child to her new room." she said.

The guard nodded grimly. He huffed to me and grabbed my arm.

I knew I couldn't do anything. I let him drag me away.


"I am Queen Chari... what's your name?"

"Ka- Kystal Shell. Yeah, Krystal Shell." I replied quickly.

She smiled. "Very well, Krystal. This is where you will live from now on. You can go anywhere in the palace, but you cannot go out of the grounds. You may explore now," and she left my new room.

"Wait!" I cried, but she was already gone.


"Are you my new little sister!?!?!" someone shrieked.

"I think so. Who are you?" I said without looking up from my book.

"I'm Kri! And you're Krystal! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" She shouted. 


"Mom said we have to get to know each other so I'm gonna take you on a interview! It will be fun, I promise." she announced. She grabbed my hand and off we went.

"I thought I couldn't leave the palace grounds.." I said carefully. I wanted to make sure that I had some plan to escape... if I was allowed to get out of the palace.

"She said that? Well that's too bad. It doesn't matter anyway... The interviewer is coming here, in the courtyard. So yeah, I just saved your life from mom scolding you!" She said brightly.

"When does the interview start?" I tried to sound eager but even I could hear the disappointment in my voice.

"Soon. All the people want to meet the long lost princess!" She shrieked and maybe. just maybe, I felt like I belonged.


Sooo.. it's Thanksgiving and my back is aching a LOT. I just went ice skating yesterday and now I feel disabled and too tired to do anything. Also, it's bitterly cold outside so I'm stuck inside, writing this book. (Which actually isn't that bad.)

edited on 11/26/15

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