chapter 20

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You cleaned up your brother's office since it was anything but cleaned and after that you took a fresh shower only to get interrupted by the game pop up screen. This little shit doesn't leave you even in the fucking shower for God's sakes!

You sighed and read whatever text there was.

[Look for the missing sticker bag, in the trash bin behind the building]

You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the absurdity of the task. It seemed the game was determined to involve you in the most inconvenient scenarios.

Resigned to the situation, you begrudgingly abandoned the shower, throwing on some clothes and gloves, and headed outside to the back of the building. As you approached the trash bin, you couldn't help but mutter, "Of all the places to search for a sticker bag..." The game's peculiar demands continued to baffle you.

With a mixture of reluctance and disgust, you cautiously approached the trash bin, wrinkling your nose at the unpleasant odor emanating from it. Peering inside, you were met with a revolting sight: a heap of discarded food wrappers, soggy tissues, and various other unidentifiable items.

Suppressing a gag reflex, you gingerly sifted through the refuse, desperately hoping to locate the missing sticker bag amidst the filth. Each squishy sensation and slimy texture you encountered only served to intensify your disgust.

After what felt like an eternity of digging through the repulsive contents of the trash bin, you finally spotted a glimmer of colorful plastic buried beneath a mound of garbage. With a mixture of relief and revulsion, you retrieved the sticker bag, hastily wiping it clean on some tissue.

Disgusted by the entire ordeal, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of twisted mind came up with such a task. Grateful to be done with the unpleasant task, you quickly disposed of the trash and retreated back inside, vowing to avoid any further interactions with the intrusive game for the rest of the day.

As you hurriedly made your way back inside, still reeling from the unpleasant task you just completed, you inadvertently collided with someone tall. Looking up, you found yourself face to face with a towering figure whose expression quickly morphed from surprise to disdain.

"Ugh, what's that smell?" the person exclaimed, pinching their nose in disgust. "Smells like a rat crawled out of the trash."

Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you realized that the offensive odor clinging to you was the remnants of the trash bin you had just rummaged through.

As you looked up, embarrassed, you recognized the tall figure as none other than Barou Shouei, the star player from Team X. His disdainful remark about the smell hit you like a punch to the gut, intensifying your embarrassment.

Feeling a surge of indignation, you straightened your posture, refusing to let Barou's comment slide without retaliation. "Oh, I'm sorry," you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "I didn't realize the benchwarmer of Team X had time to criticize others between perfecting your 'I just smelled something foul' face."

Barou's eyes narrowed at your bold response, clearly taken aback by your sudden assertiveness. "You have some nerve," he shot back, his tone laced with disdain. "You think you can talk to me like that? You're just a nobody."

The exchange escalated into a heated argument, both of you hurling insults and accusations at each other. Alone in the building, the echoes of your voices reverberated off the walls, amplifying the tension between you.

Eventually, the intensity of the confrontation began to dissipate, leaving behind a tense silence. With one last scathing look, Barou turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving you standing there, seething with anger and frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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