Jobe- our first cat

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Me and jobe had not long moved in together it was around 2 months ago, and today we decided it's the day we are going to buy our first pet cat together.

'Wake up jobe' I shove him but he won't move he's flat out. I shower his face full of kisses 'mmm morning' jobe said in his raspy voice, 'come on we get to adopt our cat' I said smiling excitedly like I was a kid on Christmas.

'5 more minutes y/n please' jobe requested 'fine only 5 minutes though' I obviously let him have his own way I mean who can say no to him.

'Jobe baby come on it's been 15 minutes now you said 5 I gave you an extra 10' I whine just wanting to get my cat. 'I'm up I'm up' jobe responded giving me a peck.

I walk into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth as well as jobe, 'I'm so excited I want a brown kitten' I had a big smile on my face thinking about getting my dream cat while jobe sat there and admired my beauty.

'Want coffee darling' jobe asked 'no thank you baby' I went downstairs to put my shoes on I was so eager to go.

Me and jobe are finally in the car but the adoption centre is 2 hours away.

'Jobe baby' I smile 'mhm' he responds while focusing on driving 'can we get McDonald's please' I was very hungry a girl has to eat 'the next one is in 10 minutes can you wait that long' he takes his eyes off the road to look into my eyes, 'yeah that's fine but baby eyes on the road' I giggle while he shakes his head and focusing back on driving.

We had bought all the stuff already it's just sitting at home waiting for me and jobe to bring the kitten home.

We finally reached the centre 'okay love are you ready' jobe asked turning to the passenger seat to see I'm not there he shot his head to the building and there I am walking into it leaving jobe to shake his head while smiling walking to the building.

'Baby I want to see them all' I walked around hand in hand with jobe looking at all the cats 'darling what about that one' jobe has pointed out the most gorgeous cat you will ever see it was small and brown with the most jaw dropping brown eyes.

'I want that one' I picked her up and walked to the front with jobe.
'I will need you to fill this form out please before you take her home' smiled the worker she was so sweet.

While jobe was filling the papers out the worker was telling me all about this wonderful cat and the background of why it came into the adoption centre.

As we got back into the car the kitten was asleep curled up on a blanket on my lap 'what shall we call it' I asked jobe ' I think we should call it cosmo' he replied while stroking the cat before focusing back onto the road.

'Jobe it's a girl not a boy she's going to be called mocha' I smiled proudly at the name I picked out
I decided to go for a nap for the rest of the car ride.

'Y/n darling wake up we are home' jobe shakes me awake while taking mocha off my lap while walking in the house with me following behind.

Jobe put mocha down and she started running crazy trying to get use to the house while jobe filled her water up and I filled her food up.

'I think she likes our house' I looked at jobe 'darling I can agree with that one' he looked at me and leaned in and gave me a peck 'come on we're going to watch a film as a family' jobe says while picking the cat up and going on the sofa cuddling me with mocha.

'I'm glad we found mocha' I yawn 'you mean I found her' jobe smirked 'yeah yeah' I roll my eyes 'darling no need to roll your eyes at me when I can make you do that anyway' he shrugs I smack his chest and slowly fall asleep while jobe plays with my hair.


I do apologise this is and but I'm just starting I'm going to get better!
I also apologise if I made mistakes

Jobe imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora