jobe- clingy

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you're called Valentina

Valentina was lounging at home, enjoying a peaceful evening when she heard the front door swing open. She perked up, knowing that her boyfriend, Jobe Bellingham, was returning from his intense training session.

"Hey, Valentina!" Jobe exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement as he rushed towards her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, refusing to let go. "Oh, how I've missed you! I couldn't wait to be in your arms again!"

Valentina giggled, feeling Jobe's clingy nature in full force. "Oh, Jobe, you're such a sweetheart. I missed you too, but you're practically glued to me now!"

Jobe grinned mischievously, his grip on Valentina tightening even more. "Can you blame me? You're like my personal magnet. I just can't resist being close to you!"

Valentina playfully pushed Jobe away, teasing him. "Alright, alright, clingy boy. Let me catch my breath for a moment!"

Jobe pouted, but his eyes sparkled with affection. "I can't help it, Valentina. You're my everything. Being away from you even for a short while feels like an eternity."

Valentina's heart melted at Jobe's words. She understood that his clinginess came from a place of deep love and attachment. "I feel the same way, Jobe. Your presence fills my heart with warmth and happiness. But let's take a breather, okay?"

Jobe reluctantly released his tight hold on Valentina and flopped down on the couch next to her. "Fine, I'll give you a moment. But just know that I'll always come back for more cuddles!"

Valentina laughed, snuggling up beside Jobe. "I wouldn't have it any other way, my clingy love. Now, tell me all about your training session. I want to hear every detail!"

And so, they spent the rest of the evening, wrapped up in each other's arms, with Jobe occasionally sneaking in a clingy squeeze or two. They shared stories, dreams, and whispered sweet nothings. In those precious moments, Valentina realized that Jobe's clinginess was a testament to their deep bond and unwavering love.

No matter how clingy Jobe could be, Valentina cherished every second of it. After all, it was the clinginess that made their relationship uniquely theirs, and she wouldn't have it any other way.


this is pretty cute

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