jobe- packing for holiday

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It's a week before holiday and I finally convinced jobe to pack his suitcase instead of leaving it for the night before.

normally he prefers to pack the night before but I thinks it's useless because he always forgets something and ends up buying it at a shop.

'Jobe baby it's not that hard' I laughed at jobe trying to fit everything in his suitcase.

'Can you help me please I can't do it' he spoke quietly

'Let me finish mine then I'll help you okay' I finished adding some clothes in mine then zipping it up.

'Are you done' he smiled 'nope got to do my wash bag baby' I walked into the bathroom to grab my skin care and razors and ect.

once I was done with that I walked into the bedroom to help jobe we emptied his whole suitcase and folded everything up neatly and I placed them in certain places in his suitcase.

'Thank you baby' he smiled 'okay now onto the wash bag' I spoke walking into the bathroom to pack his razors shaving cream and ect.

'Why did we have to pack now' he asked.
'Because we normally get rushed and if we forget anything we can remember to pack it the same day instead of buying a new one in the airport where it's more expensive that it normally would've been' I looked into his eyes.

He pulled me into a gentle kiss which had turned out to be a heated make out session.

'That's what I needed to pack' I walk to my vanity and open a box and started to place my jewellery out and in certain places so they don't all get tangled.

Jobe sat on the bed waiting for me to see him.

I had picked up my make up bag and picked certain things I wanted to take with me on holiday.

I took my blush mascara eyelash curler and lip gloss and some perfume vanilla Victoria secret it's so good.

I walked to the suitcase and put it in while jobe put his fragrance in his suitcase copying me.

'I see you nearly forgot your fragrance' I smirked
'Okay maybe it's better if we pack a week before holiday' he shrugged.

'Let's order some take out' I suggested which jobe gladly agreed with.

We had ordered subway after a long time packing we deserved to have some food.

After we ate we both went into the shower and got into pjs and brushed our teeth then I done my skin care.

'Let's get some sleep' I jumped onto the bed while jobe crawled in shaking his arm around my waist holding me against him my back facing his chest.

'Goodnight my love' he kissed my forehead 'goodnight baby' I kissed him arm with that we fell asleep hoping the time would go fast to be on holiday.


I'm writing a story of jobe too that's why these are quite bad so I do apologise but I'm not posting the story till I'm nearly done or finished it but idk if I should upload it now and update it idk it's up to you I need help🤣

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