* Author Note!! * (PLS READ)

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Hey! Just wanted to give a quick thank you for reading my book. This is my first ever book writing on Wattpad and posting. I'm super grateful and I hope you enjoy. 

BIG BIG NOTE! : This book does contain topics that might not be suited for children under the age of 18+ 

 It also might contain topics that won't interest you. Please do not read if you do not like theses topic.

- Bdsm


- Cgl

-  Multiple partners (1 boy/girl 2 boys/girls)

There will be a *WARNING* before and *DONE* after any Sexual scenes , punishments or anything that might be triggering to someone.

You can comment as much as you like!! I love reading crazy Wattpad comments and all comments will help me keep moving forward with this story!!

(also feel free to leave any suggestions)

Hope you enjoy!!!

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