|*| Chapter 9 |*|

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(Damien POV)

"So Damien, I was thinking because I've been such a good gir-."

Chloe's words were cut short as the waiter approached our table, interrupting her mid-sentence. I glanced up from my menu to find Aria standing before me, a forced smile plastered on her face. But behind that facade, I could sense her displeasure, her eyes betraying a simmering frustration directed at Chloe. Before I could grasp the situation, Chloe interjected, her tone laced with annoyance. "Aria, could you go get us some water, sweetie? Oh, and thank you so much for taking my shift tonight."

Aria's fake smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a brief flash of irritation before she composed herself and nodded. With a curt response. "Sure Chole and ill bring some fresh dinner rolls as well for you and your friend." she turned away and retreated to fulfill Chloe's request. As Aria disappeared into the bustling restaurant, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me. I knew that I needed to address the underlying issues before they escalated further.

"Chloe," I spoke firmly, catching her attention with my tone. As her gaze met mine, I could see the confusion flicker across her features. "I didn't come here for you to boss your friends at the restaurant around," I continued, my voice unwavering. "I came here to tell you that I don't want to be part of a relationship with you anymore." The words hung heavy in the air, a declaration of finality that left no room for misunderstanding. I had made my decision, and it was time to sever ties with Chloe once and for all.

The tension between Chloe and me at the table was palpable, thickening with every passing moment. But as Aria returned with water and dinner rolls, her presence seemed to diffuse the heavy atmosphere, if only momentarily. Setting down the refreshments with a polite smile, Aria's demeanour betrayed no hint of the earlier tension. Her professionalism was commendable, and I silently thanked her for her grace under pressure.

Aria, turned away to help another customer and do her work duties , while Chloe's words cut through the air like a knife, her voice filled with anger and resentment. The accusations she hurled at me, but I refused to let her tirade affect me. Instead, I maintained my composure, silently absorbing her verbal onslaught.

"YOU.. ARE.. A FUCKING ASS WHOLE YOU KNOW THAT DAMIEN." Though tempted to defend myself against Chloe's accusations, I knew that arguing further in the restaurant would only escalate the situation. With a silent nod of acknowledgment to the owner, I rose from my seat, signalling for Chloe to follow me outside. Stepping into the cool night air, I braced myself for whatever confrontation awaited. As Chloe and I stepped out through the back door, I couldn't shake the feeling of Aria's concerned gaze lingering on me. Her eyes held a flicker of worry, a silent plea for reassurance amidst the chaos unfolding around us. With a subtle nod of acknowledgment, I offered Aria a small but reassuring smile, hoping to convey a sense of calm amidst the storm. Though the situation was far from ideal, I knew that with Aria's support, I could weather whatever challenges lay ahead. "

"Now listen here, Chloe," I began, my voice firm and unwavering. "I'm only going to tell you once, and that's it. I don't take kindly to your horrid behavior, pushing people around and acting as if the world owes you something. Ever since you became a vampire, you've become utterly insufferable." Each word was laced with a sense of frustration and disappointment, I know it was a bit harsh what I said however my patience worn thin by Chloe's behavior. It was time to confront her with the truth, to make her understand the consequences of her actions and the impact they had on those around her.

As I spoke, I hoped that my words would penetrate the wall of arrogance and entitlement that Chloe had built around herself, finally forcing her to confront the reality of her behavior. But whether she would heed my warning remained to be seen.

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