|*| Chapter 7 |*|

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(Damien POV)

Carefully, I eased her onto the plush couch in my office, ensuring not to disturb her slumber. With a spare blanket draped over her, I couldn't shake the urge to check on her, to unravel the mystery behind her distress. But for now, it seemed best to let her rest, to quiet of sleep.

As I made sure she was settled, the door swung open, and two of my associates barged in, followed by Bri and one of the new pledges. Bri wasted no time in launching the pledge towards me face dragging across the floor, hurling accusations at the pledge and demanding his immediate attention.

"Bri, cut the theatrics. We'll handle this elsewhere," I interjected, my tone icy as I gestured towards the sleeping figure of Aria.

"Got it, sir," Bri replied seizing the pledge by the hair and dragging him out of my office, his protests fading into the distance as they disappeared into the room across form mine.

As I stepped into the room, the pledge launched into a feeble attempt at justification, claiming ignorance. "Damien please spare me. I'm only new to this vampire thing. I didn't know you wantend that gir...."
But before he could finish his sentence, Bri's hand connected with his cheek in a resounding slap, leaving behind a vivid red mark. His words hung in the air, swallowed by the sharp sting of Bri's retaliation. It was a swift reminder that in this world, crossing the wrong girl had consequences, and Bri was not one to be trifled with.

I turned to Bri and my men, my voice laced with frustration as I questioned their decision to interrupt me for what seemed like a trivial matter. "Why did you have to interrupt me for this pathetic excuse of a pledge?" I demanded, my tone tinged with irritation. It was clear that their priorities were misplaced, and I expected better judgment from my associates.

"Sir, Bri can explain it all," one of my men spoke up, offering Bri the opportunity to provide clarification.

I turned my attention to Bri, expecting a satisfactory explanation. "Well, Bri, explain yourself, and it had better be a good excuse," I asserted firmly, my gaze fixed on her.

"Yes, sir. I received reports from several women in the club who were harassed by this man," Bri began, her tone resolute.

"And I only caught up with him after one of the girls mentioned he made a girl in a pink dress cry, which could only have been Aria, sir."

Her words painted a clearer picture, and I nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. With a heavy heart, I strode towards the man on the floor, his eyes filled with tears of fear with remorse.

"You will never hurt my little princess again," I declared, my voice laced with an edge of steel. Turning to my men, I issued a command. "Do as you must with this pathetic pledge."

Though my heart ached for the pain inflicted upon Aria, I knew that justice needed to be served.

As I exited the room, the muffled sounds of distress followed me, swallowed by the closing door. Making my way back towards my office. Thoughts swirled in my head, wondering how Aria would cope with the weight of everything that had transpired or how she would handle the world I live in, but even the strongest souls could falter under such pressure.

With each step, I resolved to be there for her, to offer support and protection in whatever capacity she needed. She was not alone in this tumultuous world, and I would ensure she knew that. But as I pondered her well-being, a fierce determination ignited within me - a vow to shield her from harm, no matter the cost.

As I pushed open the door to my office, a scene unfolded before me that tugged at my heartstrings. They're sat Aria, tears glistening in her eyes, clutching Mr. Bunny to her chest with a fierce desperation.

"Aria," I murmured softly, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "I'm here. You're not alone."

The warmth of her presence against me cuddling up so softly was a balm to my own troubled thoughts, but our moment was soon interrupted by Bri's arrival.

Bri stepped into the office; her intentions clear. "Sir, Aria needs to go home and sleep."

Though my heart protested, I nodded in silent resignation, understanding that Bri's intervention was necessary for Aria's well-being. I knew deep down that Aria needed to be with me, willingly, as my princess.

As Aria rose to her feet, I offered her a reassuring smile, a silent promise that I would always be there for her, no matter what. And as they departed, I watched them leave with a sense of longing, knowing that Aria's journey was far from over.

(AURTHOR NOTE: I hope you are enjoying this so far. life get's in the way from writing so hopefully this chapter sounds alright I wrote it in different parts days apart.)

Unexpected Discoveries: Aria's Adventure ||DDLG||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz