*|* Chapter 2 *|*

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(Aria's POV)


It's around 10:30 pm, and I'm just vibing, waiting for Bri to swing by and pick me up. You know, navigating the night streets solo can get kind of spooky. I fire off one last text to Bri, and finally, my phone starts playing my ringtone, causing me to answer with a startled shriek.

"I AM SO SORRY!!! I got held up with some work, and I had to introduce Josh to some work friends. I'm so sorry, Aria."

I'm lowkey feeling bad for bugging her. "No biggie, Bri! Are we gonna catch up with Josh tonight?"

"Sorry, Aria, but Josh is pulling the bar shift for me. Remind me when I grab you to talk about tomorrow night." Tomorrow night I think to myself what kind of plans has this girl thought of now .

"Oki Doki, See you soon," I say, clicking the phone off. Not even twenty minutes later, Bri rolls up, and I hop into the front seat, flipping through songs until I settle on Taylor Swift's "Lover" – ultimate vibes, you know?

We get back to chatting, and Bri throws out this idea about hitting the club with her work pals tomorrow night at the club she works at.

"So Aria, You want to go clubbing tomorrow night just the three of us?" She asks.

Clubbing, to be real, has always been too noisy, kind of gross, and half the time Bri and Josh end up doing their own thing, leaving me solo.

"I'm down, but can you PROMISE you won't ditch me?" I hit her with the biggest puppy dog eyes in the entire universe.

The drive home is short, and we cruise to some tunes the whole way, belting out the lyrics. If you were outside the car, you'd probably think we were a bit crazy.

Once we get home, I open the door with my keys and make my way to my room to take off my work uniform. I put on the cutest pair of Hello Kitty pajamas and slip into my cute pink slippers. I've always loved the color pink. I walk out of my room with a blanket and Mr bun-Bun, waiting for Bri to come out to watch 'Say Yes to the Dress'.

After not long of waiting, Bri comes out wearing a crop top and some tight yoga pants.

"WOW Bri you look very sexy and hot!" I say with a little laugh.

"Aww, thank you, Ari, you look very cute." She says with a smirk, causing me to blush. I don't know why, but I get a butterfly feeling when she does that.

She turns on 'Say Yes to the Dress,' and as we watch, we give our own commentary on how the dresses look. After it hits 2 am, I feel like I'm going to collapse; I'm so tired. I turn to Bri and tell her I'm going to bed and say goodnight.

"Good night, Ari! Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!" I hear as I shut my door. 




(Bri's POV)

I sank into the couch once Aria headed off to bed, thoughts swirling about how she'd handle the club tomorrow. It's not your typical spot, and I'm not sure if it's Aria's scene.

When I first got the job, I was bewildered, but I grew to love the unconventional lifestyle. Who would have thought that being into BDSM would open doors to such a tight-knit community? Lost in my musings, a message from my boss lit up the group chat.

** "Hey, was at this restaurant/diner today, meeting with some clients when the waitress was very pretty and also, I have a feeling she will fit my taste." **

** "By the way Bri, one of my men saw you with her driving her home, you want to explain anything."

My eyes widened as I read the words. Was he talking about Aria? Swiftly, I replied, trying to clarify my connection with Aria and mentioning our plans for the club tomorrow night.

** "Great, I'll see you tomorrow , I hope to meeting that little jellybean again." **

The term 'jellybean' caught me off guard, but I figured it was my boss's quirky way of referring to Aria. Tomorrow's club night suddenly felt more significant – a chance for my boss to meet Aria and hopefully dispel any misunderstandings. Little did Aria know; her world was about to get a lot more adventurous than she bargained for.

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