*|* Chapter 4 *|*

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(Aria's POV)

We got home in no time, singing along to the radio the entire journey. Upon arriving home, it was around 5 o'clock. I changed into some comfortable clothes, a temporary outfit until the transformation for the club later, As I shuffled through my wardrobe, my stomach rumbled, reminding me that shopping had worked up quite an appetite.

During our shopping spree, Josh had mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear with promises of a surprise dinner.

"Surprise!" Josh announced with a grin. "Dino nuggets for dinner."

"OMG DINO NUGGETS! YES, BEST CHOICE JOSH!" I exclaimed, a massive smile on my face, jumping around like a mad person. There's just something about chicken nuggets that brings out the inner child in me.

"Wow, Aria, don't we think we are a bit old for Dino nuggets," Bri teased. I shot her the dirtiest, shadiest look – Dino nuggets are a timeless delicacy.

After a short while, dinner was finally ready. Bri excused herself from the table to take a phone call., Her conversation sounded important, leaving me to wonder she has been getting more and more phone calls lately. I wonder who is calling?

After a satisfying dinner of Dino nuggets – because you're never too old for them – I retreated to my room and reached for my makeup bag on my dresser to start doing my make- Choosing a soft, light pink palette, I began creating a look that would complement the dress I'd picked out earlier. I'm not the biggest fan of makeup, but tonight was special, and I wanted to add a touch of glamour to the evening.

Once satisfied with my makeup, I made my way to Bri's room to ask her to do my hair, upon entering, I found her surrounded by an array of makeup products, each one more vibrant than the last. Bri was in her element, expertly applying layers of colour to create a masterpiece.

"Hey, Bri," I greeted her, the room bathed in the warm glow of fairy lights strung across her mirror.

She looked up from her makeup routine, a grin lighting up her face. "Aria! Come join the beauty party. What can I do for you?"

"I was thinking of something simple for my hair, you know, to go with the whole vibe," I replied, gesturing to the soft makeup on my face.

Bri chuckled, setting aside a palette. "Simple, huh? Leave it to me."

As she worked her magic on my hair, weaving delicate strands into a loose braid that cascaded down my shoulder, we chatted about the night ahead and the anticipation for the adventures awaiting us at the club.

With my makeup and hair done, I returned to my room to slip into the dress I'd carefully chosen earlier. The outfit, the makeup, the hair! Everything was coming together smoothly, and, in my opinion, I looked as pretty as princess.

Before I left my room I got my hand-bag and put Mr Bun-Bun in my bag, I then left my room and settled on the couch, absorbed in my phone, while I waited for Josh and Bri to finish up. Finally, not long after, Josh emerged from his room in a fancy suit that seemed more fitting for a high-end restaurant than a night at the club.

"Um, Josh, you do know we are going to a club, not a fancy dinner, right?" I asked, looking puzzled at his choice of attire.

"Oh, Aria, I have some work to do at the club, and I need to look fancy while doing it," he replied with a smirk, making me giggle at the unexpected explanation. Josh always had a way of keeping things interesting.

Before long, Bri stepped into the room, looking stunning. Her dark makeup paired with the dark red dress and her flowing hair was so captivating.

"ALRIGHT PEOPLE YOU READY TO GO AND PARTY!" Bri screamed, a burst of energy infected all of us. With that we started our rallying cry. We all made our way to the car, and now, we hit the road.

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