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Gojo listened to his new teacher talk, about english or something, he didn't really know.

As he heard her speaking, he started to fall asleep. He laid his head down on his desk and shut his eyes, tightening his blindfold on the back of his head with his hands.

He didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, because of everything that happened, so he needed the extra hours.

As he dozed off, he started to dream. He didn't really know what it was at first, but it felt very real.

He saw a dark haired man, that sort of resembled his new friend, Mark.

As he dreamt of Markiplier, a loud noise came from the outside of the classroom.

Gojo jolted awake and looked up. Mrs. Chumpfoeva looked in horror at the window outside of the room.

The class all got up and started to crowd near the window, looking out to see what the noise was. Most of them looked horrified.

Gojo was tall, so he stared over everyone out of the window, and he soon understood their horror.

Gojo saw a young guy, he looked to be around 20-ish, with long blonde hair, and some sort of creature. It looked like it was once human, but couldn't even be considered that anymore.

The creature was.. almost eating at the other man's face, like some sort of creature.

There was blood everywhere, and the man who's face was being demolished was screaming.

Gojo's classmates started to panic, breathing heavily and moving around not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, the creature looked up at the students that were still lingering by the window, and made eye contact with some of them.

The thing lunged towards the door, and nearly pushed it down.

Out of sheer panic, the last students that were by the door backed up away from it, which left the door unlocked.

The thing opened the door with it's hands, and ran inside the classroom.

It lunged at the nearest student, Sukuna.

"GOJO HELP ME!" He yelled out, as the creature began eating at his chest.

Sukuna held his hand out for Gojo to grab it, and Gojo looked down in panic.

Mrs. Chumpfoeva stood on the desk, and started to ugly cry.

"Donald Trump... please save us! I don't even see our american flag anymore, Biden's talking with some crazy flag!"

Another creature ran into the room, and before anyone could even process that there were more then one, it jumped on top of Mrs. Chumpfoeva and began to eat her.

Sukuna looked almost dead, but he was still moving a little.

"Pleathe...Gojo...." He pleaded out, and then took his final breath.

Markiplier grabbed Gojo's hand and pulled him out of the classroom while he still could, they ran down the hall together.

"We need to get out of here!" Markiplier screamed.

"Wait.. Wait no!" Gojo let go of his hand.

"Are you kidding me, you are gonna die if you don't come with me right now!"

"My friend, I need to get him!" Gojo ran the other way, back to where the classrooms were.

He wasn't going to let Creepy Danger man die.

𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥 ~ Love Triangle AUWhere stories live. Discover now