Play 1 (Pilot)

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(Another Pilot.. Yall know the routine. Let me know how yall feel)


"Mr. L/N." A voice calls out.

"Mr. L/N."

"MR. L/N!!!" The voice yells making him wake up in a panic.

He looks around and realizes he's in class. The other students laugh because he fell asleep once again. The teacher walks up to him before stopping in front of his desk.

"Mr. L/N just because it's game night doesn't mean you can sleep during my class." She tells him.

"Sorry, Ms. Landers." Y/N tells her making her walk back to her desk.

" Y/N tells her making her walk back to her desk

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(Ms. Landers.)

"What position do you play anyway?" A female student named Zoe asks.

"QB." Y/N answers making her and a few others nod.

"For Junior Varsity?" A male student named Percy asks.

"Yea but i'm backup for Varsity." Y/N replies.

"Colin is a top QB in the state, you won't even touch the field." Another male student named Jordan says making a few others laugh.

"ENOUGH!" Ms. Landers yell.

"I hope one day you get on the field Y/N. Until then, pay attention." Ms. Landers says with a smile making him smile and nod.


Y/N exits Ms. Landers's classroom and finds his best friend Scarlett waiting for him. He takes her books and the two start walking to their next class.

"You've been carrying my books since we were in middle school." Scarlett says laughing.

"Because i'm a gentleman.. to you." Y/N replies making them laugh.

"Yea I heard the horror stories of you screwing girls and leaving them." Scarlett says making him cringe.

"It was only three girls and I was never with them to leave them." Y/N replies as they walk down the hall.

"Besides, we have a nice exchange.. I carry your books.." Y/N starts.

"And I get you to the right class on time." Scarlett finishes making him nod.

"Exactly." Y/N tells her as he nods his head at other girls staring at him.

"Aren't you worried I'll scare some prey off?" Scarlett asks.

"Prey is crazy." Y/N says as they both laugh.

"But I don't really care, all they do now is wait until you leave to talk to me.. I do thank you for scaring off some of them off though." Y/N says as she stops walking, stopping in front of a classroom.

The Playbook (Male Reader x Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now