Play 2 : The Playbook

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Week 2 of football season

"In honor of the football team winning their first game of the season.. Our semester project will be football related.. Y/N would you come up please." Ms. Landers says making him stand up.

The students clap for him after his performance last friday. He nods his head to them as he reaches the desk and sees the paper.

"You want me to read it?" Y/N asks looking at her.

"Yes, Mr. L/N." Ms. Landers replies.

"This will be your semester long project.. If you get an A on this project then you will get an A in the class.. If you get a B then you will get a B in the class and so on.." Y/N says as the class gets interested after hearing that part.

"The project is called The Playbook and you will have to go to different places once a week and find something historical in it.. Find what you think it means, its origin and what it makes you feel." Y/N reads and the students nod as it's not too bad.

"And in true football fashion, you will be completing this project with a teammate." Y/N finishes and turns to Ms. Landers.

"You have the first pick Mr. L/N, choose your teammate." She tells him making him turn to the students.

Multiple girls put on their best sexy faces and give him "fuck me" eyes. The same boys that hated on him last week all have their hand up. However, Y/N already knows who he's picking and she doesn't even have her hand up.

"With the first of the 2023 Ms. Landers class draft.." Y/N says making them all laugh a little.

"I, Y/N L/N... decide to select.. Scarlett Johansson out of... Ms. Landers first period class." Y/N announces making them laugh again before he walks to his seat.

"Gotta say, I didn't think you'd pick me." Scarlett tells him as she turns to him.

They sit all the way in the back at the table together. The tables are designed for two students a table so they automatically sat by each other.

"Why not? You didn't think you got off of not having to deal with me that easy did you?" Y/N asks as he pulls out his coach band with the plays on it.

"Of course not." Scarlett answers after chuckling. He gives her the paper for the project and she reads it.

"It says we have to go somewhere and find something historical once a week." She tells him.

"Mhm." Y/N responds as he keeps reading the playbook.

"You're focusing on the wrong playbook." Scarlett tells him.

"I'm sure i'm on the right one." Y/N replies still looking at it.

"K." Scarlett says as she turns back to the paper.

Y/N hears the "k" and turns to her instantly.

"No." He says making her turn to him.

"What?" She asks.

"You said k." Y/N says making her look at him like he's crazy.

"We both know how you act when you say k.. That means everything is not ok." Y/N tells her as she keeps her blank expression. He lets out a sigh before he puts the playbook back in his bag.

"I have practice Tuesday through Thursday.. and Mondays are only stretching and film days as you know." Y/N says as she looks at him again.

"Do you want to go somewhere every monday?" Y/N asks her.

The Playbook (Male Reader x Scarlett Johansson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora