Chapter 9- The End of The First Year

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Maxine's P.O.V.

The very next day I attended classes like usual but also spent almost all day trying to apologize to Nicholas but I found it difficult to find him as every time I thought I saw him in the corner of my eye he would disappear. As well as avoiding the Bloody Baron was no easy task, especially with how he is like a loose canon with conversing with people and ghosts. So that very night I decided to wander the wall at night even after being punished not like I really cared about that.

"I can't believe Nicholas got me in detention." I let out a long sigh. "And I can't believe your bold enough to walk down these halls after going to detention," Regulus says sternly almost as if he wanted to scold me as chills ran down my body just thinking about what I saw in the forest. "Its not like I'm trying to be a good student anyway." I say as I shake my head, "I mean they should have security in here so what's the big deal." "Well as long as that demon doesn't come back," Regulus says as he walks beside me. "I think I'll die if it does." I sigh again unable to think of anything positive especially with that creepy demon lingering.

"How could Nicholas do this though I didn't think that what I said was terrible." "Well, I'm sure he gets annoyed about hearing it from every student. It's like asking a women what her age is. I'm sure he'll forgive you soon especially since he has taken an interest in you." Regulus says as I nod. Nicholas can indeed be very useful but that will also improve my fear of speaking to ghosts. Perhaps what I need to do is become a little bit more braver although it isn't easy at all and at times it makes me want to run away instead of standing my ground. As I continued to walk and wander it was surprising that I still hadn't got caught until I bumped into something making me lose balance as I fell to the ground surprising me. "What the hell?"I looked around but there wasn't anything in sight. "Max," says a whisper that sounded rather too familiar. Until something went over my head as I saw the trio stuck together like glue. "What the hell are you guys doing?" "Shhh. We'll explain once we are there." Says Harry as we start heading to the door as I sigh in relief. I was still surprised that we even fit in this one cloak but it must be because we are still young and small.

We headed inside a room with three giant-headed dogs as they were in slumber. "Wait a minute, he's... snoring." Says Harry as the snoring dogs blow the cloak off of us. "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Whispers Harry as the harp continues to play by itself. "Uhh! It's got horrible breath." "Just like yours Ron," I say as the snoring blows almost a strong wind at us. "We have to move its paw." "Are you crazy?" I say looking at Harry as I turn to look at the giant dogs. As all four of us push the dog's paw to reveal what seems to be a strap door as Harry opens it. Only for it to reveal only darkness which made it difficult to see the end or bottom of it. "We're going down there. There's no way I'm afraid of heights." I say as I take a step back. Just look at it made me feel like I'll stumble in accidentally. "Don't worry Max I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. If something bad happens, get yourselves out. Does it seem a bit quiet to you?" Says Harry as I turn to look at the dogs as I point at the dogs who are wide awake now. "The Harp. It stopped playing." "Look!" But before they could some snot dripped onto Ron's shirt making me gag. What's with these creatures' snots it's so slimy. "Ugh! Yuck!" Says Ron as he touches it making me gag more and unable to speak a single word as I debated on jumping down and ignoring how scared I was. As soon as the trio looked up I immediately jumped down and I closed my eyes.

We safely landed on who knows what making the fall not appear as bad as it did. "Whoa. Luckily this plant-thing is here, really." "Whoa!" Says Harry while looking in the direction of Ron. Roots started moving as they wrapped my legs. "Stop moving all of you. This is devil's snare. You have to relax. If you don't, It'll only kill you faster." Says Hermione as more roots wrapped themselves around me making it suffocating. "Max you need to take deep breaths," Regulus says as he appears next to him just like usual appearing out of nowhere. "Oh, now I can relax!" Yells Ron as he continues struggling while I focus on my breathing. As me and Hermione slowly went down.

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