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(A/N): In this AU Effie is district two's escort but Cinna is still district twelve's stylist

It was a day before the reaping, Damian was in his room, getting ready for the day. He just got out the shower, he slips on his shirt then his jacket. He looks in the mirror of the bathroom, he starts to brush his wet, blonde hair. He was gonna hang out with his best friend and  today, he wants to spend time with her since the reaping is about to happen. When he finishes brushing his hair, he brushes his teeth. When he's fully done getting ready, he goes to the living room which his older brother, Cato, was. His little sister was also there, sitting on Cato's lap.

"Hey Damey!" Aurora waves at her brother with a cute smile on her face, "Hey Aurora," Damian smiles back. He goes over to the two and kisses his little sister on the head, he looks at Cato, "You're not getting a kiss," 

"How come?" Cato asks, crossing his arms as Aurora giggles, "Cause you're my older brother it'd be weird," Damian says, "But I guess I could do it," Damian kisses his older brother on the head before going to the door.

"Going to hang out with Clove?" His brother asks, looking at him. Damian nods, "See ya later loser," Damian says before he leaves the house. Cato playfully rolls his eyes as his younger brother leaves the house. 

Damian runs through the town, already knowing where his best friend would be. The two have a certain spot in the district, it was a tall hill where they could see the whole entire district. Him and Clove would always  hang out there when they were younger, it holds a lot of memories of their childhood. As Damian runs, he bumps into Remus, Clove's older brother, "Slow down, Dames, you might knock someone down." Remus chuckles as Damian helps him pick his stuff up, "Sorry I was going to go see-" Remus cuts Damian off, "Clove, you hang out with her everyday." 

Dames chuckles at the words before looking at Remus, "Are you going to spend time with Cato?" he asks as the wind blew his hair, wind was rough today. Remus nods before patting Dames on the back and walking off. The blonde boy smiles before walking to the spot again as he his walking a young girl calls for him, "Dames!" It was Iris, Clove's younger sister, he looks over to Iris, she was hanging out with her two best friends. He waves at her and continues to walk.

"That's Clove's best friend, Damian, he's really sweet." Iris tells her two friends, "He's usually quiet but when it comes to my sister or family, he's hyper and excited." Iris and her friends chuckle. The Kentwell family always saw Damian as family member.

Dames finally makes it to the spot, Clove was sitting under a tree with her legs crossed, staring down at the district. He sits down next to her as the wind blew their hair, she looks at him and smiles. 

"Hey Dames," She says, looking back at the district, "Hey Clover," He replies, crossing his legs and arms. He calls her 'Clover' because when they first met she accidentally said 'Clover' instead of 'Clove'. "What's on our agenda today?" He asks, leaning on the tree, she shrugs before doing the same as him. It slowly starts to rain and Damian looks at the girl with a smirk on his face, "You know what happens now." He stands up and offers his hand to her. "Again?" She asks, taking his hand, "We do it every time it rains," He replies, pulling her up. "Dames you do this every time it rains," She chuckles as she's pulled up to her feet, they leave the spot and go to Clove's house. They enter the house to Mrs. Kentwell in the kitchen, she smiles at the two as they go to the backyard. 

"Ready?" He asks, taking her hands. "Always." She replies, she grasps his hands as well and the two best friends dance around in the rain together. 


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