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DAMIAN was walking with Remus and Clove, they were going to a hovercraft so they could be brought to where the arena was located. Remus was explaining a few rules before they went to the games, "Step off that platform a second before, you're dead." 

Dames looks at Remus, he seems serious and stern unlike the normal him, Remus looks at them with tears in his eyes, "I just want one of you to win."

Clove and Dames nod at Remus before getting on the hovercraft, Dames sits next to Glimmer and another tribute. A lady was walking around, giving implants to everyone, it was a tracker so the gamemakers know the tributes roundabouts. The lady sticks the needle in Dames arm, but when she finishes she pulls a different needle out and implants Damian in the shoulder with it. He stays quiet and the other tributes didn't notice. When all the implants are done the lights flicker, Clove looks over at Damian before smiling. He smiles back at her and they make eye contact for a few seconds before he looks away.


Dames was waiting for his stylist to bring him his jacket, his stylist walks in and puts his jacket on him.

"Hey before you go, can you give this to Clove?" He hands the stylist a ring, the ring Aurora gave him,she nods and walks out the room. 

He goes and gets in his pod, he stands there waiting as the timer went down. Finally the pod starts to rise to the arena, he looks at the other tribute before getting in a running position. The timer slowly goes down and he looks around again, some look frightened while others have smirks on their faces.

He stares at the cornucopia as the timer hit five.






All the tributes run to the cornucopia, Damian gets his hands on a metal bar and continues looking around. Damian runs up behind the district six boy and hits him with the bar, the tribute falls down and looks at Damian with fear in his eyes. The blonde boy beat the tribute with the bar, breaking his skull. 

Damian looks in the cornucopia to see a sword, perfect. He grabs the sword and runs out the cornucopia, he hits the district eight boy with it, killing him in a instant. When the bloodbath is over, the careers were in the cornucopia. Dames walks to the cornucopia to see the careers and Marcus. 

"Guess the alliance is still on?" Dames asks, sticking his sword into his belt. The others nod, Marcus was also a career due to him being a district four tribute. 

"How do we find girl on fire?" Glimmer asks, everyone thinks for a second, Dames crosses his arms and gets an idea.

"We find her lover boy," Damian says, the others look at each other before smirking at the idea, "Then let's go find Peeta," Marcus says, he starts walking and everyone else follows him.

 Dames walks next to Marcus, he has a cut on his cheek from a tribute. Damian wipes the blood off his cheek and continues to walk. 

"I saw him go this way," Clove points to a certain direction, they all go in the direction to where Clove pointed. Damian looks around until he sees a tribute, it was Peeta. Damian whistles to catch Peeta's attention.

"Hey Lover Boy!" Damian smirks, heading towards Peeta. The tribute looks up at him with fear in his eyes. 

"Please don't hurt me..." Peeta says with a trembling voice. Damian howls with laughter, "Hurt you? No I have a deal for you. Take us to girl of fire, we'll let you live." Peeta thinks about the offer for a second before nodding his head.

"Lead the way lover boy," Marcus snickers as Peeta then gets up and starts walking a certain direction. The pack follow him while also looking for signs of any tributes or Katniss herself. While they were walking, the cannon for a tributes death was going on but the pack just chuckle at the sound.


It was night in arena and the pack were still walking in the woods, Damian was talking to Marvel while the girls were talking to each other, Marcus was talking to Peeta for some odd reason. Damian chuckles at something Marvel said before glancing into the distance, he sees smoke which means a tribute.

"Guys, fire. I see fire." Damian says, the others look in the direction he was pointing and they all smirk. They start heading that direction as the anthem plays to show the tributes who died but again the pack doesn't care.

They make it to the fire to see the district eight girl, warming herself up by the fire. Damian pulls his sword out with a 'shink' sound afterwards. He hands it to Glimmer with a smirk, she looks at him with a lustful smile and blush on her cheeks. Clove was standing behind Dames, the shadows were covering her slightly.


Katniss was sitting in a tree with her eyes closed, trying to fall asleep for the night before she can sleep she hears a loud scream of pain. The cannon goes off again, she leans back on the tree again and closes her eyes. She tries to fall asleep again but she hears laughter and footsteps approaching the tree. 

"Did you see her face?" she hears Glimmer laugh then she hears Damian and Clove laugh, same for Marvel and Marcus.

"Ahh please don't kill me!" Clove mocks the now dead tribute, Damian laughs before he and Clove fist bump, he notices she's wearing the ring he gave to her for a token for the games. He smiles at her slightly before snapping out of his trance, Glimmer leans over to him still laughing.

"Yeah that was a funny one." Peeta says, taking the lead of the walk, not laughing at all. 

"You sure she's this way?" Marcus asks and Peeta nods before walking again, Glimmer looks at Dames before whispering to him.

"How long do we have to keep him?" Glimmer asks, "Why not just kill him now?"

"He's useful, we'll kill him off later." Dames whispers back, Glimmer smiles at him before taking his hand. He pulls his hand away in almost and instant before catching up with the others, they continue walking before they make a small camp. 

Dames sits on the ground and leans against a tree, he lays down on the ground and closes his eyes to sleep like the others. Glimmer was still awake, she cuddles up on his arms and falls asleep.


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