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The group was on the train, sitting in their seats, chatting with each other.  "I can't believe I'm my own sister's mentor," Remus says, "And my best friend's brother's mentor as well," Remus crosses his arms, Dames and Clove look at each other with looks that say 'I'm not buying it.' 

"Percy we both know you like my brother, you can just admit it." Dames says, looking at Remus with a smirk tugging at his lips. The mentor blushes slightly, knowing two teenagers caught him, "Shut up you two," He mutters and the duo chuckles. Remus takes a sip of his coffee before looking back at the duo, "My goal is to train you to win, will you two listen to what I say?" The mentor asks, the two nod in response. 

"Dames I want you to be serious about, can you do that for me?" Remus asks, looking at the blonde boy who nods, his face was serious when he nodded. Remus smiles as Effie walks in the room, "Ah my two volunteers!" She smiles at them, "I have a feeling you two know each other,"

"We're best friends," Dames replies, looking at Effie, when Effie hears this her smile drops, "It's gonna hurt when you two lose each other, isn't it?" She asks in a sad tone. "I don't wanna think about that right now." The blonde boy replies in a soft tone, he crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. Effie nods with a sad smile, "You two must head to bed, tomorrow is an important day." Remus instructs like a dad.

The two best friends look at each other, blink then get up, walking away from Remus and Effie, "It's only 4:00 pm," Damian sighs, walking with Clove.

"Is it really?" She asks, looking at him, "Yeah, wanna watch the reapings?" He asks, she thinks for a second before nodding at the question. The two go to her room, and lay next to each other in the bed, it was only made for one person but they're best friends. It's normal for them to snuggle on each other, they turn the T.V on and start watching the reapings. The two kept their eyes on the screen, not budging as they watch their competition get reaped. Then it was the twelve reaping, a girl about the age of sixteen was volunteered same with a boy who looked about sixteen, shocking the district two tributes slightly.

"A volunteer? Hm...interesting." Damian mumbles and Clove nods in agreement, he has his arm around her as they were in the single person bed. 

"Is this normal?" Clove asks, looking towards her best friend, he looks at her confused, "What's normal?"

"Us snuggling," she points out, "Yeah, everybody snuggles with their best friend, Atticus snuggles with Luna." he replies with a smile on his face, she nods and looks at the screen again, the two lay like that for a while. 

Someone knocks on the door, it was Remus, "You good in there?" he asks, obviously talking to Clove since Dames wasn't supposed to be in there but he was, "Yeah I'm good," she replies, looking at the door which was still closed. "Alright, dinner is being prepared." Remus walks away, he looks at the door for a moment before smiling softly. 

"Didn't he tell us to go to bed?" Damian asks and she nods with a slight chuckle, she hates how her best friend volunteered for her but she's also happy she might be able to spend the rest of her time with him, "He concerns me sometimes," 

"You concern my whole family," Clove replies, messing up his hair while laughing, he sighs as she does this.


It was night as Damian gets out of the shower, his hair was now a dark brown due to it being damp. He drys himself off before changing into a hoodie and sweatpants, he walks back to his bedroom and stares out of the train window. He messes with a ring that's on his finger, Aurora got for him on his fifthteenth birthday and he still wears it to this day. He lays down on his bed and closes his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.


It was the next day and Damian just had finished getting ready for the day, he goes the kitchen part on the train, the only thing he hasn't done is style his hair. Effie was sitting on the couch while Clove and Remus were eating breakfast. Damian sits next to Clove, fixing his hair, she looks at him and chuckles slightly while Remus smiles at him.

"What?" He looks at the siblings, Clove pokes Damian on the cheek, acting like a best friend by bothering him. He sighs before poking her back, he smiles at her softly, Remus smiles at the two before speaking, "So in the academy, what weapon did you two train with?" He asks the two. 

"I trained with a sword and spear," Damian replies, sipping some of his water, "I trained with knives," Clove says with pride, Remus smirks, "That's really good for survival but your main goal is to get sponsors." 

"How do we do that?" Damian asks, looking at Remus, "You need to get people to like you," Remus replies, leaning back in his chair. Clove and Dames nod as they keep their eyes on their mentor, "I have an idea for you two, I've been picturing 'Star Crossed Lovers'" 

Dames looks at Remus with pure shock, "Star crossed what?" Remus chuckles while his sister stares at him with shock, "Star Crossed Lovers, I want you two to act like you're in love." 

"How do we do that?" Clove asks, crossing her arms, she was still flabbergasted, that was easy to tell, "When the Caesar interviews come, if he asks you two about a special someone, I want you two to say each other." Remus explains, the blonde boys still looks shocked, "I don't recall signing up for this star crossed lover shit." He says as he spaces off.

"Damian you there?" Clove asks, Damian was basically just staring into space, she grabs her water and splashes him with it. He snaps out his trance and looks at Clove, "Hey!" Clove starts laughing while Effie walks to the three.

"We're here!" Effie smiles, Clove and Damian go to the window to see capitol people, cheering for them. Clove and him wave to everyone while they all scream for the two, Damian looks at Clove to see her waving at everyone but his smile fades.

He knows they're betting if she will live or not.


All the tributes were getting ready for the tribute parade, the district two stylist was making sure everything fit Damian right. She brings the two to their chariot, Damian helps Clove onto the chariot like a gentleman. She chuckles as he gets onto the chariot, the parade starts, the tributes were on chariots so their sponsors can see them. The two wave at the sponsors, the sponsors were throwing roses and cheering for the two.

Damian reaches for Clove's hand, she stares at him for second before taking his hand, the two lift theirs hands up and the crowd goes nuts

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Damian reaches for Clove's hand, she stares at him for second before taking his hand, the two lift theirs hands up and the crowd goes nuts. The two glance at each other as they crowd cheers, Remus was in the crowd, smirking as the two were doing what he told them to do. 

Caesar, the host of the hunger games, was talking to Claudius when suddenly something caught his eye, "What is that?" It was the district twelve tributes, they were on fire, Damian catches this before nudging Clove, "Clover look at twelve." She glances at twelve, her face turns to serious and stern quickly. He notices her look away while President Snow makes a speech but the only part Damian focused on was, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"


The tributes were backstage again, Damian's golden head band was off as his stylist was adjusting something on his shoulder. He was staring at Katniss Everdeen with a smirk on his face, when they notice they leave. He looks at Clove who was staring at him, she looks kinda jealous and mad, he didn't know why she just did.

This was gonna be a fun ride.

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