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Damian was in private training with Clove and Remus, he was using a sword which is the weapon he's best trained with. 

"Damian, Clove. Come here!" Remus instructs, the two walk to him to listen to what he has to say. He smirks at the two.

 "So today is the training scores, you will be brought in a training room in front of the gamemakers and they'll rate your training from one to twelve." Remus explains, Clove and Damian look at each other before nodding. 

"So just show off our skills?" Dames asks and Remus nods, he continues explaining things to them until he stops to think, "I almost forgot about the interviews," Remus says, looking towards the two, "Caesar will interview you and remember what I said on the train?"

"Something about lovers?" Clove asks, "I wasn't paying attention since you're so boring." Remus rolls his eyes while Dames chuckles softly. 

"Star crossed lovers, you two must act like you're in love to get sponsors." Remus explains, Clove looks slightly confused, "Why though?"

"Well I'm your mentor and your brother. LISTEN TO ME!" Remus shouts, Dames starts laughing while Clove stands there in shock. Dames was still laughing until Clove elbows stomach, he stops laughing and holds his stomach with a pained groan. 

"Continue training." Remus demands and the two get back to training, Dames slices a dummy into two with his sword.


Damian was sitting, playing with his hand while also staring at them. Clove was training in front of the gamemakers right now, it was close to being Damian's turn. Somebody was sitting next to him, district four boy,Marcus Odair. Finnick Odair's brother. Dames looks at him Marcus notices so he decides to start a conversation.

"So you're district two right?" Marcus asks with a smile. Dames nods and he smiles.

"Well ginger, you're district four am I right?" Dames asks and Marcus looks at him, "Did you just call me a ginger?" Marcus asks.

"Yeah, I'm Damian by the way." Dames says, and Marcus nods, "Marcus," Marcus shakes Damian's hand. 

"Damian Hadley." A speaker announces, it was Dames' turn to train. He gets and walks to the training room, Clove walks past him, they fist bump before he enters the room. Seneca was staring at him, hoping to be impressed by a district two tribute. Damian goes to the swords and grabs one, he twirls it in his hand for a second before walking to a dummy.  He raises his sword but instead of a normal slice, he hits the dummy behind him, hitting it straight in the heart. The gamemakers watch as the tribute has amazing senses from behind, but a few of the makers get distracted and go to a pig with an apple in its mouth. Damian swings his sword but it flew out his hand,pinning the apple to the wall. The gamemakers stare at him with shock on their faces, Seneca stares at the boy before smirking proudly but the others seemed annoyed and angry.


"I can't believe you did that!" Effie scolds the male tribute while Clove and the stylist watched them.

"It was by accident! My sword slipped from my grasp!" Damian exclaims as Effie sits on the couch, trying to calm herself down. Remus comes downstairs with a huge smile, he looks at Damian with a look a proud father would give. 

"You did amazing!" Remus encourages Damian's actions, Effie looks at Remus with shock on her face. Effie and Remus go back and forth until Caesar appears on the screen, everyone's heads snap to the screen.  Caesar starts reading the scores, every listens closely.

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